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New September Study group! First up: PT 60
This group is for 12 people who are committed to studying and improving their test performance for the September 2017 LSAT. The schedule (which we'll go over on Saturday) is tentative and so you will have a say in the PT schedule and future meeting times. Our aim will be to take at least 10 prep tests from the 60s, 70s, and PT 81. I want the group to be able to tailor the study schedule to meet its specific needs. If you want a say about the date and time that we meet, you need to attend the meetings. Workshops and intensives to eliminate weaknesses will also be made available to the study group. We also have the option to build in a few breaks.
Comment below if you would like me to tag you for our first meeting on July 1st at 5pm EST. We'll be taking care the schedule first, so even if you can't take PT 60 come get your name on the list and then you can head out.
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Access Code: 992-713-853
I'm interested.
Hey! I'm interested.
I am definitely in! But I will be proposing earlier meeting times as I live in Europe! Thank you for organizing this @"nessa.k13.0"
I'm interested.
I'm also interested!
I'm interested but traveling back to the US on the 1st.
Interested but won't be in nyc the 1st. May I show up for the following week or does it become waitlist basis?
Interested! Thanks!
@"joe.j.ham" yeah you can show up the following week. The group will become closed off in 4 weeks.
Gotcha @kkrystyna @Gladiator_2017 @theLSATgrind2017 @4everchasing @Mitzyyyy @NinaSimone you're welcome @therealnas
I'm back, and in
Interested, thank you!
I'm interested but I can't take the PT saturday because it is Canada Day
@"nessa.k13.0" Are we going over PT 60 this Saturday? Or are we only going to be forming the group?
I'm interested.
@therealnas both. If you can't take PT 60 that's fine just show up, provide feedback then you're free to go or review PT 60. @stew2060 I recommend taking the PTs before the day we review them but if you mean you can't attend as well, then attend the next week so you don't lose your spot.
Gotcha @jimmyrivera201 and @KWoulf13 you're welcome @doyleorlando
@"nessa.k13.0" i won't be able to attend!
Can you attend the next Saturday?
Hi im interested!!!!
Hi, I'm interested
Are we to take PT 60 for THIS saturday?? Is it a different PT every saturday? So next saturday would be PT 61?
Gotcha @EAyanruoh and @"Pink Dust" PT 60 is this Saturday. Before we review, I'll propose a schedule for the PTs we do till September.
I am interested!
I'm interested, thanks!
You're welcome @ilana_1022 gotcha @JustDoIt
Hi I'd love to join if there is room! Thanks
Hi, i'd love to join also if there is room.
Hey @"nessa.k13.0" I am jumping back on this train if there's room. Any chance on changing the date though?
I'm interested!
I am interested as well, but I can't make it on the 1st...When is the 2nd meeting?
I am interested!
Interested and available that day
Please tag me as well
@RafaelBernard No problem! Let me know what days and times are your preferences and we'll take that into account when we meet.
Gotcha @dml277 @MikaAhlecia28 @Zluke981209 @"Idil.Beshir"
You're welcome and there's room @melisaki04
and @malbin123
@andreastocks the next meeting is tbd. Let me know your preferred meeting times and I'll include them in our conversation about the time we meet.
I am interested! Let me know if there is still room
I am also interested -- is there still room?
@Martin01 and @Kayyyyyyy yeah there's still room as long as the group is open. It'll be public for 4 weeks then we'll go private and I'll let people know when other people drop out. It's mostly about getting people to commit by showing up and participating. I want the people who show up and contribute to get the maximum benefit of being in a study group.
I am interested! Am I able to participate?
@tuc28290 yeah just show up!
OK awesome i will! (was just confused bc the description says this group is for 12 people)
What's the general protocol? Take the respective PT beforehand, and do a BR before or during the session? Also, how long do they generally go for? Thanks!
So I can't cut off a group that hasn't formed yet. I need to see who will show up consistently and who is committed. Until then it's open.
Generally, we take the test on our own during timed conditions and then mark the questions we want want to go over. I like to BR on my own and then discuss questions with the group for input and insight. Some people just mark questions they want to go over. It depends on how deep you are trying to go with your prep.
Regarding timing it depends because sometimes we'll have more wtf questions and sometimes there will be fewer. I've had short sessions like 30 mins and I've had long ones but I'm aiming for 2hrs. If people have to leave that's cool too--just take off when you need to.
You're welcome!
holiday weekend, well that's one way to test who's committed! LOL On my calendar for next week. This was my planned day off for a couple of weeks now.
I'm interested!
Haha I hear it's Canada Day. Luckily, I also wrote you can commit by attending the next meeting too. Have fun today!
Gotcha @LsatChic
I might be interested, but not sure if I can attend today...
I have to go to a wedding today, but I definitely plan on attending next week!
I doubt I'll be able to make it today cause I'm stuck in traffic, but I'll definitely be there next week.
@EAyanruoh @theLSATgrind2017 @johanna586 I'll tag yall but in order to join you just gotta show up