New September Study Group | Sat July 1st, 5pm EST

nessa.k13.0nessa.k13.0 Inactive ⭐
edited July 2017 in Study Groups 4141 karma

New September Study group! First up: PT 60


This group is for 12 people who are committed to studying and improving their test performance for the September 2017 LSAT. The schedule (which we'll go over on Saturday) is tentative and so you will have a say in the PT schedule and future meeting times. Our aim will be to take at least 10 prep tests from the 60s, 70s, and PT 81. I want the group to be able to tailor the study schedule to meet its specific needs. If you want a say about the date and time that we meet, you need to attend the meetings. Workshops and intensives to eliminate weaknesses will also be made available to the study group. We also have the option to build in a few breaks.


  • For everyone: Must be finished with the core curriculum, have a solid understanding of question types, be able to identify the premises and conclusions, understand conditional logic, etc;
  • Come to each PT review sessions with at least 2 priority questions to discuss (because it is highly unlikely we are scoring 180 under timed conditions)
  • Must attend the first or second meeting
  • Must not miss consecutive meetings. Things come up and so an absence is understandable, but if you routinely miss meetings consecutively, I'll offer your position to the next person who expressed interest.

Comment below if you would like me to tag you for our first meeting on July 1st at 5pm EST. We'll be taking care the schedule first, so even if you can't take PT 60 come get your name on the list and then you can head out.

1st Meeting then PT 60 on Saturday, July 1st 5PM ET

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