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Victoria14Victoria14 Alum Member
edited July 2017 in General 776 karma

Ok, so I was a July tester who knew going in that I wasn't ready. I have awful test anxiety so I decided to take the dive and do the test anyway to quench my nerves. Luckily it did and I registered for the September in good spirits. I've taken the last few weeks off waiting for the score, and now I'm trying to set up my new plan of attack. Any retaking advice? I didn't do sage before, and I'm interested in doing it this time around.

By the way, sorry if there is typos. I'm currently typing with one finger due to being a kitten bed!


  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    @vtm14, provide more information. What were you aiming for? What was your diagnostic score? What did you achieve? What sections did you struggle with?
    If you weren't close to your target score, then you might want to consider December.

  • Victoria14Victoria14 Alum Member
    776 karma

    @USER123456 My bad! I am aiming for a 165. My diagnostics were at 155 give or take a point. I should get my score back this week so I will update with that! But I suspect something along the same lines. I've been struggling with LR and RC. Consistently with assumption, weaken and flaw questions being my worst. Is a10 point jump possible?

  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    @vtm14 said:
    @USER123456 My bad! I am aiming for a 165. My diagnostics were at 155 give or take a point. I should get my score back this week so I will update with that! But I suspect something along the same lines. I've been struggling with LR and RC. Consistently with assumption, weaken and flaw questions being my worst. Is a10 point jump possible?

    What did you do to prepare for the exam? What resources did you use? How many/which practice tests have you taken?

    I think a 155-165 is definitely achievable, but I'm not sure if you're going to be able to pull that off by September. Assuming that you're pressed on September (and take my advice with a grain of salt... I'm new here!)

    • Try a package here. I believe the trial is 14 days.
    • If you have your answers from the tests you've taken, enter them for the analytics. Review the intro lessons about blind review, and then review the lessons that pertain to the question types that the analytics noticed you were weak in. Complete the accompanying problem sets.
    • You could use the scheduler and skip over the lessons that involve subjects you're already strong in.
    • When the test change deadline approaches... if your practice test scores aren't near your goal then reschedule.
  • Victoria14Victoria14 Alum Member
    776 karma

    @USER123456 Hi, sorry for the late reply.

    I used the Powerscore books and a Lawschoolii schedule. The schedule pulled exact question types out of PTs for me to practice and work through. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great. It also left me completely unmotivated and I didn't do enough work every day. Probably only 10-12 hours a week. I only did about 3-4 timed prep tests (I forget the numbers, but I can dig them out) which looking back I realize was a huge mistake.

    I will say my LG were superb to just about everyone I knew. I came in under time by minutes and only missing two to three that I would mark that I wasn't a 100% confident on and didn't have the time to properly do.

    I didn't know I could plug my answers in and see my weak spots, I normally just tried to chart and track them myself. I'll do that now! I also really like the idea of checking my progress near the deadline for swapping to make the final call. Thank you so much!

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