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The next step...

LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
in General 13286 karma

I feel like I'm in a sort of awkward spot during my studies. I saw an improvement and am now at a new plateau. However, where I use to be confident in my methods for fixing my weaknesses, now I can't figure out how to approach the test.

Admitiadly I haven't spent much time on RC, and it is a major impact on my score (up to -8) this section is a hit or miss. There are also times I go -2 but then my LR shoots up through the roof.

I still don't feel completely confident in my LR either.

I seem to be missing the "hardest" questions per LR section. These could be any question type, but they are the most difficult to solve. So whereas before I would attack the questions by type, now I feel lost.
When I review the questions I've missed though I almost always spot the correct answer, and don't know why I ever picked the answer I did. Very rarely do I go back to a question and continue to struggle.

I also can't seem to polish off LG. I'm always going -1 to -2. I finish with extra time fairly often, and feel confident in my answers. Some how they always manage to get me with one.

I feel like I'm trying to sweep a path at the beach. Every time I clear a spot the sand gets blown right back onto it!

Any suggestions?


  • vanessa fishervanessa fisher Alum Member
    edited July 2017 1084 karma

    You might want to check out this webinar that just went up the other day. I found it really helpful for working through different stages of prep.

    One of the suggestions he makes at the later stages of prep, which might help with your situation, is to do close taking apart of grammar structures within questions. This is often what trips us up in the hard questions. The logic is easy underneath, but they make the questions unnecessarily convoluted. Breaking down the grammar structures and being able to cross out unnecessary phrases and such can be really helpful. He also suggests substitution exercises where you take questions, break down the fundamental logic and then impose your own question on top using the same logic. This helps to also see the underlying structure. He details these out quite well in that webinar. I'm definitely going to try it. I think it just helps also with overall sense of grasp and mastery of the deeper structures of questions which is really key to mastery.

    There are some other really helpful tips in the webinar as well

  • BirdLaw818BirdLaw818 Free Trial Member
    553 karma

    I think you'd do best to attack your weakest section right now which sounds like RC. that way, you don't have to depend on an easy RC section to get your best score. Once you're confident in RC, then go back and really fine tune your skills and maybe attack the harder LR questions (make a list of them or just specifically do the hard ones).

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    YES! Definitely, definitely watch this webinar: https://7sage.com/webinar/post-core-curriculum-study-strategies/

    It really has a plethora of advice for just about every situation you will encounter and help you to address your issue. I've personally been waiting for this webinar to be posted so I could watch it again. 10/10 for sure.

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