Just got my score, 170, so I can confirm -9 curve. Hoped for better, but satisfied, should get me into UofM and Northwestern, will retake in September to try for a bump in scholarship $. Good luck everybody!!!!
-6 RC (two guesses on 26 and 27, one correct), -1 LR (26 questions, no guesses, worked from 1-17 then backwards from 26-18), -3 LR (25 questions, two guesses on 24 and 25, both incorrect, worked straight through section), -0 LG
Got mine! Looking to sign up for a course - any recommendations on Ultimate or premium don't have enough dough for Ultimate +. Any suggestions? Is there a big difference between Ultimate and premium anyways?
@jonkhan094 said:
Got mine! Looking to sign up for a course - any recommendations on Ultimate or premium don't have enough dough for Ultimate +. Any suggestions? Is there a big difference between Ultimate and premium anyways?
Ultimate gives you access to more preptests and full explanations for each questions for those preptests. If you think you'll do more than 20, go for Ultimate. Otherwise, premium is perfectly fine.
Wtf happened. MY actual LSAT score was the same as one I started intense prep and 6-8 points lower than my last 3 Prep Tests before the Real LSAT exam. How the hell did my LR score drop so much. Does anyone know how schools will view a sudden improvement in September?
If your score improves dramatically then just write an addendum. Give a good reason and they won't care. They only have to report the highest score.
@eagles12345 said:
Wtf happened. MY actual LSAT score was the same as one I started intense prep and 6-8 points lower than my last 3 Prep Tests before the Real LSAT exam. How the hell did my LR score drop so much. Does anyone know how schools will view a sudden improvement in September?
Sorry to hear.
Schools will see your sudden improvement for what it is, simply a higher score. They really only care about your highest score unless it's Yale, but either way I think you'll be fine.
@Zachary_P said:
Does anyone know the latest they would send out scores? This is brutal.
At this point you are at the mercy of a server running a script. Mass email and database updates are an unfortunately slow process. But there isn't a human behind the process at this point, so there is no latest time. Just, when the script gets to you it gets to you.
@Zachary_P said:
Does anyone know the latest they would send out scores? This is brutal.
At this point you are at the mercy of a server running a script. Mass email and database updates are an unfortunately slow process. But there isn't a human behind the process at this point, so there is no latest time. Just, when the script gets to you it gets to you.
good news , bad news ?
Just got mine too and I underperformed from my PTs. Looks like I'll be retaking in December
Just got my score, 170, so I can confirm -9 curve. Hoped for better, but satisfied, should get me into UofM and Northwestern, will retake in September to try for a bump in scholarship $. Good luck everybody!!!!
I like that the LSAC posts the test that you took. Do you guys think that will be helpful for the September test?!
A 159....F this man I've never failed so hard at anything.
97th percentile
ugh .. this waiting game
Well RIP me
After 45 practice tests and an average of 172, I got my lowest score since PT 54
At least I wrote one hell of a writing sample
No news here still waiting
Got my score
11 point improvement over my February score - THANK YOU JY! I am totally crying tears of joy right now. :-)
@LSAT Is Coming
Sorry to hear that man, I guess we'll be retaking together in September.
Congratulations! Glad it went Well!
Welp, now we play the waiting game....
how was I in the last batch of scores in December, and apparently I'm also in the last batch this time around?? BS, the game is rigged
Still waiting, too
I may not even bother to take it again, or maybe I will just because now I know I can do this damn thing.
T14 HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I scored a point higher than any of my PT but still pretty low. September Lsat here I come! Who's with me!?! Lol
I scored 3 points higher than my last PT but will retake because I know I can do better
wondering if accommodated test takers are always the last people to receive they're scores.
I'm not accommodated and I'm still waiting, FWIW.
@phelanj75 im guessin yes since i was accommodated and haven't received anything yet lol pros and cons i guess
guess so
-6 RC (two guesses on 26 and 27, one correct), -1 LR (26 questions, no guesses, worked from 1-17 then backwards from 26-18), -3 LR (25 questions, two guesses on 24 and 25, both incorrect, worked straight through section), -0 LG
YAYYYY I'm so happy.
God a 159...I haven't scored that low since my second PT , what in the absolute F* is going on here lol
If Irvine doesn't accept me this year , September and December here I come...
Got mine! Looking to sign up for a course - any recommendations on Ultimate or premium don't have enough dough for Ultimate +. Any suggestions? Is there a big difference between Ultimate and premium anyways?
almost done care about what score i get . just want to see it already !!!
Ultimate gives you access to more preptests and full explanations for each questions for those preptests. If you think you'll do more than 20, go for Ultimate. Otherwise, premium is perfectly fine.
anything ?
Okay score, you can come anytime now.
@phelanj75 nope
im going crazy here
Wtf happened. MY actual LSAT score was the same as one I started intense prep and 6-8 points lower than my last 3 Prep Tests before the Real LSAT exam. How the hell did my LR score drop so much. Does anyone know how schools will view a sudden improvement in September?
If your score improves dramatically then just write an addendum. Give a good reason and they won't care. They only have to report the highest score.
Sorry to hear.
Schools will see your sudden improvement for what it is, simply a higher score. They really only care about your highest score unless it's Yale, but either way I think you'll be fine.
Does everyone get it today? I mean ifs 745 and nothing
Same boat man. I think it should be out by 8 but idk at this point. Sometime tonight i guess
All of those comments are making me want to vomit. Still waiting. But it seems like most people are doing worse than they expected.
Just got mine. Zero improvement from my diagnostic. Looks like I have more work to do.
Does anyone know the latest they would send out scores? This is brutal.
756 and nothing
At this point you are at the mercy of a server running a script. Mass email and database updates are an unfortunately slow process. But there isn't a human behind the process at this point, so there is no latest time. Just, when the script gets to you it gets to you.
Does anyone STILL not have their score... or does LSAC just hate me
Still waiting also; you're not alone. I took it in February and my score was released about 4:30 PM CST.
My friend and I are still waiting. You aren't alone. I've read of someone that one time received their score at midnight.
Still waiting. Ugh