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Either/Or Else

cmoobusinesscmoobusiness Alum Member
edited November 2014 in General 9 karma

Can someone please explain either A or B or else

is this the same as saying either A or B but not both?


  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    Or else? Like A or B or else C?

    I don't think that or else has ever been specifically mentioned, but I could be wrong?
    If it's "not both"
    Then it is A --> /B
    or B --> /A
    Meaning that the minimum out of the two could be 0, and the max could be 1 - either A or B, but both of them cannot be in.

    Or else... sound like A, or B, or C.... which would be just one of the three I think....
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Free Trial
    578 karma
    Either or means you can have both, you just need to make sure you have one of them
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