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Last public post. I'm lazy and I don't like making new posts every week. Also, going private. If you don't show up and give us a compelling reason to think you'll be a strong contributor, unfortunately the train is departing.
PT: 65
Experimental Section: LR1 From PT59
Please submit questions you wish to review here :
Date: Sunday, July 23rd
Time: 7:00pm Eastern / 6:00pm Central / 4:00pm Pacific
For our full PT schedule please see the following link :
September '17 Sunday Study Group
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3311
Access Code: 410-064-813
First GoToMeeting? Try a test session:
@a.ruqaiia @acalzada89 @"Adam Hawks" @aimhigher @AllezAllez21 @alyssamccain0593 @annannann @attalla253 @"becky ried" @beyondsblue-1
@Chrislaw305 @CinnamonTea @couchifer @DinnerAtSix @dupre94 @extramedium @famjad14 @"grace..." @holmes_j12 @Idil.Beshir @ilee @itsallgood @"J. Tharp" @Jaervinen @"Jay Bird" @jkatz1488 @jml_2252 @joe.j.ham @JustDoIt @jzzraven @kfrye150066 @kisham7 @"Lauren L" @lawgikal @leslieh327 @lilo1994 @LsatChic @"Michelle Juma" @nasyasmith @nicholasthomas127 @ponica31 @poohbear @PrepGoals @RafaelBernard @rahulpatel1016 @rainingcats @richellegernan @"Shazia..." @spitzy11 @StellaBlue @SuuuGeee @sweetsecret @tcookPHL @"Testing..." @TheCubicleEscapee @TimLSAT180 @tOmAtOes @umbrella7 @"Warren Chu" @MikaAhlecia28 @naychi @SA135790 @studyingforthelsat @bcallahan95 @shindavis16 @denisha @"kristen b" @nathanieljschwartz @leslieh37 @kvbusbee @swenda.capeda @melissaprado091 @AcciObrAin @btsao650 @hnadgauda @slcaldwell82590 @rochelleb180 @leahbeuk @navacuenca92 @dfletch5 @imhungryimtired @dml277 @gladiator_2017 @needmylsat180 @MindyKale @cgracia12 @thaddeus @tuc28290 @"FAITH X 100" @SaraEmerson @tOOyoungtOOsimple @Cecilia Z @Sammie215
I'll be there!
lol you don't give much of an option other than discord! Are we going to be using the BR group for the private group or will it be a new group on discord you will be creating?
Eh I don't know. I'd kind of like to make a single discord and make different channels for different events.. it seems like 7sage has maybe 5 different discord links as it is - if possible I think combining them would be the best path forward. Not sure though! We could use the BR group that exists though.
And I'm glad there is overwhelming support in favor of discord
it makes transitioning quite easy!
I thought there were some technical issues when I saw this wild range of options
I'll be there! Just quit my job to focus on LSAT full time..
Getting back from Europe on Sat. so I don't know if I'll be there, but jet lag permitting (I'm there).
Hey, how can I get in on this?
(I'm new to group study and saw that you wrote it was going to be closed soon-I'm not sure what that means even. thanks in advance!)
Just join the call on Sunday after you've taken and reviewed PT65.
discord link for anyone that's joining us for rc review tonight. Going over RC for PT58 and 64
Is it alright to show up later in the call? I get off work at 4 (pacific time) and would love to join in.
Hey guys I have had some health issues past few weeks, apologize for not being on the calls. Hope to be back soon. Happy studying.
No worries. Hope you feel better!
Yep. Whenever you get around to it, we'll be waiting!
Ah, alas. I am working on LSAT stuff w/o jet-lag, but didn't get around to doing PT 65 (in fact, there are like three PTs that I'm behind on taking). I'll definitely be around in all of the following weeks, though. Good luck and cheers everyone!
Can't make it this week but I hope today's session goes well!
is it too late to join the calls at this point? @Mellow_Z just found this!
God bless you! That's awesome...
Good luck