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CAS GPA Evaluation.

sweetalison007sweetalison007 Free Trial Member

Good afternoon everyone!
Can one submit one's transcripts to the AACRAO so that one gets evaluation of one's UG performance, before taking the LSAT?
I have read that the CAS ( formerly LSDAS) uses AACRAO evaluation services to determine how good or bad one did in UG.
I plan on taking the LSAT this February 2018, but before taking, I would like to know where I stand as an international applicant. Or does the CAS calculate GPA only when you are applying to law schools?
In other words, if one's not applying to law schools immediately, can one engage transcript evaluation of AACRAO or CAS just to assess where one stands?
Alternatively is there anyone here who can provide a tentative LSDAS GPA for an international student like me, whom I can PM?
Thank you.


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    Yes, you can submit your transcripts and have them calculate it before you sit for the test.

  • Rigid DesignatorRigid Designator Alum Member
    1091 karma

    Just a heads up - I don't think the LSAC calculates a GPA from your international transcripts unless your college already uses a US grading system. They didn't for mine at least. But yes you can submit them whenever you'd like.

  • sweetalison007sweetalison007 Free Trial Member
    48 karma

    Nope we don't have a GPA system. Purely a percentage affair. So candidates like me will have no LSDAS GPA, is that right?

  • Rigid DesignatorRigid Designator Alum Member
    1091 karma

    @sweetalison007 said:
    Nope we don't have a GPA system. Purely a percentage affair. So candidates like me will have no LSDAS GPA, is that right?

    Yes, I believe so.

  • sweetalison007sweetalison007 Free Trial Member
    48 karma

    I am from India - where we have 1st class, second class and 3rd class classification of grades. 1st class = 2:1 of UK, 2nd class 2:2 etc. One more question - will LSAC automatically distribute my transcripts to US law schools, or will they wait until I enter my LSAT score?

  • Rigid DesignatorRigid Designator Alum Member
    edited July 2017 1091 karma

    @sweetalison007 said:
    I am from India - where we have 1st class, second class and 3rd class classification of grades. 1st class = 2:1 of UK, 2nd class 2:2 etc. One more question - will LSAC automatically distribute my transcripts to US law schools, or will they wait until I enter my LSAT score?

    As I understand, they won't send a school your transcript until you have applied to that school.

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