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Breaking the 175 barrier?

Paul CaintPaul Caint Alum Member
in General 3521 karma


So I've taken around 9 LSAT preptests so far and I've yet to get below a 170 (yay!). I understand this is a good problem to have, but my range of scores is really varied:

175 | 174 | 172 | 170 | 171 | 174 | 177 | 173 | 171

As you can see, my "slippage" rate seems pretty high, anywhere from -4 on a whole exam to -10. For any of you guys that managed to get consistently above 175, are there any special strategies that you employed to move from the the 170-174 to the 175-180?

My section score distribution usually looks something like:

RC: [0 to -3]
LR1: [0 to -3]
LR2: [0 to -3]
LG: 0

Any tips, tricks, advice, or motivation would be super helpful! Thanks in advance.

P.S. - I'm taking the exam in September


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