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How would you use PT's 7-18?

ErlingRoaldErlingRoald Alum Member
in General 48 karma

I have finished the core curriculum work and I have a book of 10 Actual PT's 7-18. I'm taking the September test and I am studying full time (ie not working). As I understand, 7Sage considers these to be too old to be fully relevant as timed PT's so I'm wondering how best to use them. To note: they are all contained in one big book so getting a realistic testing feel will likely take more effort and time than I'm willing to commit.

  • Make copies of the sections and drill? Or perhaps just write my answers in a notebook and drill? Is it important to practice how you would mark up the real tests with your pencil on these drill-type resources?
  • Take each section timed, the first time and then use the questions to drill later?
  • Take each test timed, and then use the questions to drill later?
  • Or....?

Would you use these as a mainstay of drilling or start getting through some of the higher numbered PT's and use those for drilling? What about the logic games? Are they more or less likely to be relevant today?

Any thoughts about how and when to use this 10 pack in conjunction with the remaining PT's I'll be taking through 7sage (starter) would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!


  • nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
    1723 karma

    Hey @ErlingRoald if your set on sept. I would suggest doing timed sections from the newer tests and break those early ones up into groups of 5 or 10s for drilling specific question types and shoring up weaknesses. The argument structure is the same throughout all the tests, they are testing the same thing, the reason it would be better to stick to newer sections for timed section practice is due to the subtlety of the newer tests AC. Wrong answer choices used to be more blatantly wrong than they r now. Hope this helps

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    If you're taking September, make sure you've done a good amount of the newer tests from PT 60-80.

    RE: PTs 7-18: For games, I would just fool proof the LG sections. For LR/RC, I would say it depends on where and what you need some work on. I might even consider not really using these if you're taking in September and still haven't done most of the newest tests.

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    just drill them

  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27903 karma

    The LG from those tests are as relevant as ever. They've thrown some really weird games at us lately and some of these older games are great practice for learning to think creatively on the fly. I think the RC is more or less equally relevant. It has changed very little with the obvious exception of the CR passage. The LR can be a bit strange in places, but I think as a whole it's still very good. Maybe untimed drills here could be useful.

    And to address using newer material, since it came up, breaking newer tests into section drills should really depend on exactly how new we're talking about. If you want to use some tests from 30-50 as section drills, fine. But from 60+ at the very least, save these for full length, timed PTs.

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