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LR question

Crack LSAT175Crack LSAT175 Alum Member

How to describe the situation: No one in this house will go to the party.

A. In this house ------》-- go to the party
B. -- in this house -------》go to the party


  • TheAnxious0LTheAnxious0L Alum Member
    587 karma

    I'd say A?

    If you're in this house ,you won't go to the party.


  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    This is Group 4 translation:

    Step 1) Identify the logical operator
    Here, it’s “no”

    Step 2) Identify the two main concepts (or groups, categories, events or ideas)
    Here, it’s the two events “one is in the house” and “go to the party.”

    Step 3) Assign symbols to the two main concepts
    Here, “H” for “one is in the house” and “P” for “go to the party.”

    Step 4) Apply the translation rule
    Here, pick an idea - “P” - and negate it - “/P” - and make it the necessary condition.
    H → /P

    Step 5) Find the contrapositive
    P → /H

    go to the party →/(In this house)

  • darins33darins33 Member
    19 karma

    One way to think about this is intuitively. Say B out loud to yourself.

    "If you are not in this house, then you will go to the party." Guess what? I live 200 miles away! I'm not going to your shitty party. If the sufficient condition is that I'm not in the house and the necessary condition thus implies that I MUST be at your party, then everyone in the world except for those in the house are now at your party. See what you did there?

    "If you are in the house, then you will not go to the party" well there you go!

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