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Personal Statement Brainstorming Questions

andrewpete93andrewpete93 Free Trial Member

What kind of questions are you asking yourself to get the creative process started? How are you going about crafting your personal statements?


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    Probably pretty cliche questions like why was I honestly going to law school? Why was I qualified? How did my soft factors and hard factors tie into my qualifications? Why will I be a good lawyer/law student?

    Things in my background that have made me want to pursue law also came to mind...

    When crafting my personal statement, I basically began writing several drafts of what ultimately became my PS. I must have gone through 15 different versions before I was finally able to craft it in a way that included what I wanted to and was written properly.

    My advice would really be to just start writing... Little by little you will edit and take out paragraphs here and add them somewhere else.

  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    2983 karma

    The 7sage admissions crew have a primer that can be helpful


    I also agree with everything that Alex said. Just sit down and start writing. My first draft was a quasi-stream of consciousness mess. I eventually whittled it down to what I think is a pretty effective PS.

    (huge shout out to Amy from 7sage Admissions for helping me with my PS/DS; she's top notch) :smiley:

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