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Hey Ya'll,
I've taken Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Today off from LSAT for one last refresher weekend before I go all out for Sept 16th. Just wondering what your game plan is for these last 5 weeks?
I plan on doing 2 five section PTs per week from now until test day. I'll be blind reviewing and targeting for the the in between days. I also plan on taking 2-4 days off Early September to do one last refresher before the test date. How does that sound? Last 4 scores have been 169, 169, 171, 169
Sounds good, get your timing down and focus on your mistakes!
Agreed. Make sure to use the analytics section of the website and hone down on what section you need work and what type of questions you typically miss. Then just perfect them until test day! Good luck!
First of all, HOW are we already five weeks out?
I'll be doing a mix of problem sets that deal with any remaining weak spots on weekends and doing one or two PTs a week with BR right up until test day. Your plan sounds great to me! Good luck everyone!