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Letter of recommendation

Maximus4Maximus4 Alum Member

Hey so I'm curious if it matters if the LOR's are from a TA or professor? does it look bad if you have one written by a community college professor (I am a transfer student) and another one from a TA at a University.


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @Maximus4 said:
    Hey so I'm curious if it matters if the LOR's are from a TA or professor? does it look bad if you have one written by a community college professor (I am a transfer student) and another one from a TA at a University.

    Nope. Not at all. So long as they are the best instructors you had that can speak to your academic ability, you're just fine.

  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    2983 karma

    Those sound perfectly fine to me. Like Al said, recommenders just need to be able to speak about your academic abilities.

  • Victoria14Victoria14 Alum Member
    776 karma

    @Maximus4 said:
    Hey so I'm curious if it matters if the LOR's are from a TA or professor? does it look bad if you have one written by a community college professor (I am a transfer student) and another one from a TA at a University.

    Quality is genuinely the most important factor but I have heard that the particular position can effect some admission officers decision making. If you know they will give you EXCELLENT LORs then go with them, but if someone else will give you an excellent one as well whom is tenured or a PHD that will hold some weight as well. The few i've spoken to generally explain it such as, "A good LOR is a good LOR. It's going to stand out. But a good LOR from a PHD or tenured position is even more notable." I just take that with a grain of salt - Go for the best LORs you can find, and if they come from higher up individuals then it adds a bit of notability to it.

  • Maximus4Maximus4 Alum Member
    206 karma

    One of my Junior College professor who knows me very well has agreed to write me a LOR. But for my second LOR; I emailed my university professor but he said he didn't remember me (:/ SAD), so I am deciding if I should contact another one of my Junior College professors to write me one or ask a TA from a university. Any thoughts ?

  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    2983 karma

    @Maximus4 said:
    One of my Junior College professor who knows me very well has agreed to write me a LOR. But for my second LOR; I emailed my university professor but he said he didn't remember me (:/ SAD), so I am deciding if I should contact another one of my Junior College professors to write me one or ask a TA from a university. Any thoughts ?

    If they are willing to write you an excellent letter, then go for it. The content of the letter is WAYYYYYYYYYYYY more important than the source. Letters of rec don't necessarily provide that much of a bump, but they can definitely hurt.


  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    I think you will be fine with a LOR from a CC professor if they write you a good one.

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