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Burnout during last week

pjanderson5pjanderson5 Free Trial Member
edited December 2014 in General 238 karma
I really think I am burned out. All I am thinking about is the LSAT, and took 3 tests in 3 days, with review after. My average is about 160 and my scores have been 165, 152, and 154. I know I didn't suddenly get dumber, but I don't think studying anymore can benefit me at all. I've read so many stories about how people did well after taking a few days off before the test, so I think at this point that's what I'm going to do.


  • CjiyoneeCjiyonee Alum Member
    4 karma
    I second that motion! I'm experiencing the same thing. Been averaging 160s, then all of a sudden my recent PTs have been dipping down pretty low and it is not helping to build my confidence. However, I feel like I still need more work in certain areas, which is why I haven't stopped. But, it feels like I've hit a wall.
  • barcanoubarcanou Alum Member
    45 karma
    I'm planning to do 3 timed sections tonight and two tomorrow + some review of rules that I know I struggle with then take Friday as chill. I'm not convinced that there is much benefit to "cramming" for the LSAT. Wear layers, go to the bathroom before the test, bring something yummy for snack/drink, and know how to work your watch. Those are things that you have control over at this point that will help the day go by fast and smoothly.
  • robgoodallrobgoodall Free Trial Member
    edited December 2014 7 karma
    Same here. Totally taking Friday off and going to the pool. Debating as to whether to take one more PT tomorrow; I'm almost at the wall and can't make sense of the fluctuation in my scores. Today was my highest PT score, but no idea why. I'm above the median for nearly all PT scores for my target school so think I'm going to focus on what I can control at this point (ie, the layers, the snacks, the analog, non-digital wrist-watch, etc.). Good luck, everyone. See you in school.
  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    2116 karma
    Def take Friday off to relax. Although I feel like I am wasting a day by NOT studying, I find that I come back and perform better than usual so keep that in mind!

    Fighting everyone! GL!
  • tsamvelyantsamvelyan Alum Member
    431 karma
    Yep, I've been studying really hard these past two weeks and my score has gone from 160 to 152 and 151.
  • pjanderson5pjanderson5 Free Trial Member
    238 karma
    @tsamvelyan are you done studying then?
  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    Ok. I wasn't feeling this before, but I decided to go through two sections of LR. Just relaxed, no pressure.
    And I find myself getting all these questions wrong that I wouldn't normally get wrong.
    I also did a RC passage today and got 2/7 correct - the worst score I've ever gotten on a single passage.

  • pjanderson5pjanderson5 Free Trial Member
    edited December 2014 238 karma
    I really thought about doing one section today, but I asked myself if it really was gonna benefit me in any way. Is this going to make me do better on Saturday? I thought the answer to that is no. But Megan, I think You should just relax until the test. I was feeling like I hit rock bottom yesterday with that 154, but I emotionally feel more confident just by relaxing and shaking it off. I feel like confidence is alot of the battle. I'm going into Saturday feeling ready to kick the LSAT's ass.
  • jak132jak132 Alum Member
    9 karma
    I thought I was the only one burning out! I have done seven timed PTs in the past nine days, with review. I was going to take another test today but I am literally so tired of it that I don't think I will benefit. I did well on my test yesterday and don't want to take a test today, get a crappy score and have my confidence suffer. I decided I'm just going to review some LR questions I still have trouble with, do some yoga, and maybe some reading. Good luck to everyone, go in Saturday with your confidence at an all time high, show the LSAT what you're made of, and then of course hit the bar immediately after. ;)
  • kristineleewilliamskristineleewilliams Alum Member
    19 karma
    I have been studying 1-5 hours a day since August. I am burnt toast. Studied for a few hours today and have decided to not study any more before sat. !!!!!
  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    edited December 2014 1294 karma
    happened to me too, so burnt out today scored one of my lowest, a 153 fml. I'm just going to review the rest of the exam today and take tomorrow completely off. Maybe do a couple of logic games, but that's it. I've noticed when you burn out, none of the arguments make any sense.
  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    @pjanderson5 I feel yeah. I'm only writing a practice test tonight because I signed up for this course. I'm mostly going to get the whole "atmosphere" of it. It's at the school I'm writing at, in a classroom probably extremely similar, and there will be a proctor. So I feel it would be beneficial.
    If I don't score well on this practice, I will TRY not to let it get to my confidence, but we shall see! Good luck to everyone :)
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