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"Quality review of test" OK but exactly what does that entail?

ChaudhrySChaudhryS Free Trial Member
edited September 2017 in General 61 karma


Don't know if I'm abusing my limit of posting on the discussion forum but pls have mercy.

Could someone, anyone, possibly walk me through a typical PT review, one that emphasizes quality and allows me to gain the most traction for future PTs. I can't seem to adopt a specific ritual. Please share your techniques! I do the logic games again, do the LR questions I got wrong, try to see why I got them wrong, and do the RC passage I skipped (since I only attempt 3/test). For example, how long do you professionals wait until reviewing the test after writing? Teach me your ways!

I'm writing for the September 16, 2017 test and hoping to squeeze in a few tests during the next two weeks. Could you guys also possibly recommend a specific number of tests I should try to reach while maintaining good practices of reviewing to ensure a good score on test day?

Thanks again! You guys rock!


  • nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
    1723 karma

    Hey @salmachh i mean i wouldnt exceed 3 maybe 4 max. Your brain can only handle so much . Rather do less and understand them vs more and literally gain nothing.
    Are you Blind Reviewing? Or just reviewing after you grade it?

  • ChaudhrySChaudhryS Free Trial Member
    61 karma

    @nathanieljschwartz said:
    Hey @salmachh i mean i wouldnt exceed 3 maybe 4 max. Your brain can only handle so much . Rather do less and understand them vs more and literally gain nothing.
    Are you Blind Reviewing? Or just reviewing after you grade it?

    Hey Nathaniel!

    I'm fairly lazy with my BR. I will only BR logic games and complete any LR Qs or RC passage that I was unable to complete. Perhaps doing a complete BR is where I should begin.

  • nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
    1723 karma

    Well we just found your ritual!.
    This is where you are going to make improvement. The PT is just used to uncover weaknesses. The BR is when you shore up these weaknesses and will help you direct your study time. If you find that even after BR you dont get the principals of a MBT, then return to the CC and drill these weaknesses. I cannot stress this enough. 1 test with an aggressive BR will be worth more than 10 tests without a review

  • nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
    1723 karma

    Btw. What is your section breakdown?

  • ChaudhrySChaudhryS Free Trial Member
    61 karma

    @nathanieljschwartz said:
    Btw. What is your section breakdown?

    OK Great! I'm gonna start working on that today. What do you mean section breakdown?

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