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nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
in General 1723 karma

So i have decided on september. This way i can have a fall back to december if need be.
Heres the dilemma. Iv on taken pt78,72,71,70,65,62,19.(i took abunch on my first round of studying last September but im not counting those)
iv foolproofed games 1-40 and all the pts iv taken.
Iv practically drilled all questions from 1-35 also.
Iv taken tons of timed sections from 1-50.
I still have tons of material i havent seen yet. But i am scoring above my target.(im averaging a 173 and im shooting for a 169+)
What do you guys suggest i spend the rest of my two weeks doing? Should i work on more games, see tests?


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