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Skipping Strategies?

RGiggi13RGiggi13 Alum Member

What skipping strategies have worked for people out there (especially for LR)? I haven't found something that really works for me yet, and while I usually finish sections, I don't find myself with much (or any) spare time. At this point, I skip the Parallel Flaw questions when they're past #15 or so, but that's really the only thing I stick to. I am able to move on from a hard one after 2 minutes or so, but I'm having a really hard time getting past the mentality of "just a couple more seconds and I can get it" and "I've already put this much time in, it doesn't make sense for me to leave it now."

What do other people do?


  • nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
    1723 karma

    Hey, i feel your pain. You could try the 25 in 25 method. Takes awhile to get used to it.it pretty much dictates 60 seconds max per question. And then circle it an move on

  • nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
    1723 karma

    I would also, depending on how accurate you are, try a confidence drill. See how you do

  • smcateesmcatee Member
    10 karma

    What's a confidence drill?

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @smcatee said:
    What's a confidence drill?

    Do a timed LR section. As soon as you get a right answer pick it an move on. No if, ands, or buts. If you prephrase it and it's there pick it and keep going. The idea is to not linger at all. This helps to show weakness, where you are wasting time, where you spend the most time, etc.

    Helps to film yourself too

  • Rigid DesignatorRigid Designator Alum Member
    1091 karma

    For LR if I read the stimulus and just don't get the argument - mostly due to long, heavy grammar, or due to some irritatingly bad arguments - I don't even bother reading the answer choices, I skip it and come back to it. My reasoning is that the answer choices will not save me if I don't get the stimulus.

    As for Parallel Flaw, I used to skip them automatically, but now I do take the time to read the argument first. Sometimes they have a very obvious structure and a very obvious flaw. In these cases I feel good about being able to get it done in the ~1m 30s you have to do it in.

  • RGiggi13RGiggi13 Alum Member
    36 karma

    Great ideas, thanks everyone!

  • FirstOneFirstOne Core Member
    172 karma

    Listen to the skipping strategies webinar.

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