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I'm a tutor who started out scoring in the mid 150s and scored a 173 on the October 2021 LSAT.
I'm offering a free session on strategies to maximize the 35 minutes you have on LR sections. We will cover things like how to know when to skip and come back to a question later, how to leave time for a round 2 for skipped questions, which skipped questions to prioritize doing first, how to choose between 2 remaining answer choices, and question-type specific advice. We'll also look at how LR questions have changed over time.
Time: Feb 12, 2022 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 810 5597 4386
Passcode: 397550
Hello, Thank you kindly for hosting such and important tutoring session, and looking forward to attend this event. The only issue, is that it will be 7am on Saturday morning for individuals in the WestCoast. With that in mind, will there be a recording available for later viewing?
Hi, yes i'll make a recording available! Just PM me your email and I'll send you a link after the session.
Hi! Excited to attend tomorrow. How long do you anticipate this tutoring session to be? Thank you!
Hi, @ninamatryoshka
can I please get the link for the recording?
Hi! Kindly could you please forward me the link as well?
Hello may I to receive a copy of the recording. I’d greatly appreciate it thank you!
@ninamatryoshka any chance you can send me the recording as well? Thank you SO MUCH!
@ninamatryoshka do you mind sharing the recording with me ? Thank you!
@ninamatryoshka Hi, I just came across this. Could you send the recording to me? Thank you so much!
@ninamatryoshka Hi! Would you kindly share your link and your wisdom? Thank you!
@ninamatryoshka Hi, I would love to learn more about this, could you please send me the recording ? Thank you
Also just came across this! Do you mind sending me the recording as well? Much appreciated
Do you mind sending the recording to me as well? I just saw this post
Like many others, I just came across this post as well! If you don't mind and are willing to share the link with me, that would be great! Thanks!
I'm sharing the link with you all via direct messages
Hello, I'd also be so grateful if you could share the video as I'm struggling with time management!! Thanks:)
Hi, if you don't mind, would love to get the link to the video as well. Thank you so so much!!
@ninamatryoshka hi could you please also share with me the link of the recording? Thanks!
Are you able to do another one of these?
May I please have a meeting link sent out
@ninamatryoshka wondering if you could also send me the link!
@ninamatryoshka could I also get the link please? thank you
@ninamatryoshka Hello! I'm currently working on LR and this type of session would be of great help. If it is possible, I was wondering if you may share the link to the recording with myself as well? If you are not able to, then I completely understand