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Flaw Question

Victoria14Victoria14 Alum Member

Hey-o from Hurricane Irma!

Gotta keep studying regardless so I've been working at it and for some reason Flaw questions have decided to crop up and be a problem. Anyone have some sure fire tips for them? I just did an LR section timed and got -7, with -3 being flaw (all of the flaws in the section may I add). -2 were questions I legit got wrong and the other -2 I reread the question and knew right away what I did wrong/read wrong. But -3 in flaw is a big deal.

Any tips and tricks for flaws? Favorite way to drill? Etc.

Help your favorite (or probably not favorite but i'm at peak level stress so I'm going to hope you guys like me at this point) hurricane pilgrim out!


  • dennisgerrarddennisgerrard Member
    1644 karma

    I would suggest to anticipate/smell the flaw if possible. Even you can't label the Flaw(in recent PTs), you need have a clear understanding about the weak support in stimulus. Don't let ACs trap you.

  • Rigid DesignatorRigid Designator Alum Member
    1091 karma

    For flaw questions my best advice is be extremely strict when assessing how each answer choice bears on the argument. On newer tests my impression is that they like to put attractive sounding but irrelevant answer choices in amongst a cleverly disguised right answer. I find with a lot of curve breaker flaw questions I arrive at the right answer only by process of elimination.

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    Flaw, like NA, it is extremely important to prephrase. Where prephrasing is probably over-prescribed generally speaking, there are question types like NA and Flaw where the ACs are quite dangerous to read if you haven't spotted the issue. When you read a flaw stimulus and think "oh shit this looks fine" that is a big red alert. I would suggest reading one more time and then skipping. For flaw, this often means I missed a term-shift. Anyway, skip that and come back because the AC will through you around with abstract language.

    You're in luck though because I really believe one can "fool proof" flaw questions. I would suggest drilling and BRing A TON of flaw and write up detailed descriptions. Try to categorize each cookie-cutter. Even categorize the wrong ACs e.g. the correct AC was part-to-whole fallacy but there is an ad hominem as a wrong AC. The newer tests will have plenty of non-cookie-cutters, but if you fool proof the cookie cutters, you should build up a very strong intuition for flaws in general.

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    For the easier flaw questions, try to anticipate what the flaw is. If you can do it for some of the harder ones, then great!

    If you're ever stuck on a flaw question though, just tell yourself "they are concluding ____... Why? because (premise)". This has helped me before, even if I couldn't identify the flaw right away, it helps you get rid of answer choices and hopefully when you read the right answer, it has a connection with the premise and conclusion that you know.

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