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Filing a Complaint with LSAC

tsamvelyantsamvelyan Alum Member
edited December 2014 in General 431 karma
Hi guys,
I'm planning on filing a complaint against the LSAC and wanted to hear some feedback whether it's a good idea or a bad one. So, I had very incompetent proctor - made several mistakes throughout the day (e.g. forgot to tell us to sign the test, didn't read the instructions thoroughly...just bad, period). But, what stood out the most was that 10 minutes into Section 1, the assistants came to us and started asking us if we could flip the page over to the first page so they can write the test Serial Number. Imagine the level of distraction? What made things even worse for me was that my first section was Logic Games. I had literally, read the rules of the second game and was making inferences based on my set up when this happened and I FREAKIN FORGOT MY INFERENCES. So, I had to go back, re-read, try to remember the inferences and easily lost 3-3:30 minutes. On top of that, the level of noise created so much distraction. HERE'S MY QUESTION: ARE THE PROCTORS WITHIN THEIR POWER TO DISTRACT YOU FROM YOUR TEST IF IT'S SOMETHING NOT PERSONALLY RELATED TO YOU? As in, he F**** up by not writing the test serial numbers when distributing, and I have to suffer.


  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    you can complain, chances are LSAC will ask if you want to cancel and reschedule your test or keep your score
  • LeBisondeMistLeBisondeMist Alum Member
    135 karma
    That really sucks and I can only imagine that it made you anxious the rest of the test; definitely not a good way to start off. I'm not sure about technical proctor rules. I did some quick Googling and nothing really came up. According to the LSAC problems/complaints page ( they are not responsible for anything outside of their control. However, I'd say that this was within their control and is worth a complaint. The proctor should have done their job from the beginning or waited until the break/end of the test to fix the mistake. Sorry this happened :(
  • tsamvelyantsamvelyan Alum Member
    431 karma
    Thanks guys. I know. I feel like if I can negotiate with them to not count the test against me and not count it as a strike, that would be a reasonable solution, but I'm gonna complain just so that other people don't have to go through that in the future because it's so unfair.
  • LeBisondeMistLeBisondeMist Alum Member
    135 karma
    It'll still count as a "strike." They'll give you the option to cancel and then retake it later, but that cancel will still show up and count as a try. If you do need to take it 4 times, I believe you could appeal it as counting, though. Either way, you can write an addendum or just not worry about it when applying.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Free Trial
    578 karma
    You should of said "I'm taking my test don'took distract me" if they refused to go away...personally, I'd ask for employee information and smack them in the head with my lsat
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    yeah I know I have seen around people requesting a 4th but had a cancel from TC issues and received the take
  • tsamvelyantsamvelyan Alum Member
    431 karma
    @royaimani - I swear the whole time that idea was in my head. @jdwag113 - so are you saying that if my complaint is successful enough, I can have them cancel this test and take another one without a strike? It's just, this was my second time taking the test and I don't know if I decide to take it third time and something like this happens again, then I'm screwed and I can't take the test more than 3 times in 2 years.
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    I am saying it is possible, as I am not an employee of LSAC I can only say so much lol, I would recommend giving them a call and see what they say. it may still be a strike and you just have a chance at getting a 4th but I couldnt say for sure as your situation is different from the time I mentioned seeing. call um up, theyre generally nice people
  • tsamvelyantsamvelyan Alum Member
    431 karma
    Thanks jdawg113. I filed a complaint already. So, I hope to hear from them soon.
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