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W.T.F? 167
-8 in one LR section? 6 in a row...
-0 in RC?
Do I even know this test? You guys are trolling me.... I've NEVER gone -0 in RC and I haven't gone -8 in LR since June....
I took pt 80 back in Dec. I did horrible on RC
Idk wtf happened. Idk how I missed 6 IN A ROW in LR. That bothered me.
game 4 is weird. RC I thought was kind of easy when I did it as well as in review.
LR was kind of weird though. Like, it wasn't that bad but at the same time it was (???) if that makes any sense at all lol. I know someone who took this test on test day and were averaging like -2 for both LR's combined but ended up bombing this PT's LR and got a 170 while going -1 RC and -0LG.
it's weird, but review it and it won't seem so bad.. it's weird, for sure.
Dude game 4 I got 100% I missed all 4 in game 3 lol which is why I'm so bothered
I voted no.
G3 I think wasn't too bad, it was just very time consuming for me because not only did I completely forget about a rule like 6 minutes into the game, but I didn't have the greatest game board for it but then once I realized the rule I was missing, my game board became better with the game pieces.
So I think it was just very time consuming, but G4 I went -2 on because I solved 3 questions by intuition and guessed on 2. was still a pain tho lol
Shoulda listened to the minority...
Don't worry about it, its just a weird test. Just say you did it for Chesty, always gotta do one more for Chesty.
Goodnight Chesty where ever you are!
How did the LR and LG compare to PT 79? Planning on taking PT 80 tomorrow
LG was easier and yet I did just as bad.
LR was easier for one section, and DESTROYED me in another haha
I voted do it and don't grade it
I fell victim to peer pressure! I'm weak!!! Haha
I forgot to vote
BUT I did put an inspirational quote by a prominent dead person. Don't worry about the score, brother. It's an anomaly.
"That is not the score you're looking for" (that's my pathetic Star Wars reference for ya)
Haha man today got me all spun around. T - 7 days...
you're good regardless dawg
You got this! You too, Mikey!
aww jeez blushes
Out of curiosity--did you struggle with LR section 1? that was tougher than usual, in my view
Yep! 19-24 I missed every single one. Lol one block of crap. Idk what happened
first LR section was definitely harder. I used up all my time to get the questions done (I usually have 10 minutes left over to review my answers). That said, I've noticed that this is something the test-makers do sometimes. They throw in an unusually hard section in the very beginning (like the RC on 81), but then the rest of the test is usually moderate or even "easy" in comparison. Just something to keep in mind to not let the first section throw you
I also learned from doing PT 81 to never take any section for granted. RC is usually my best section and relatively easy, and I was really thrown by PT 81 RC as a result (but then LG, my worst section usually, was the best on that PT) I think for each test you have to look at each section equally and not go on any sense from the past on what you'll do better on. Both over-confidence or under-confidence can be killers
I froze up on G3/4
BRUTAL ^ nothing compared to PT 81 games - like why the heck does it have to fluctuate so much. It's like the hunger games
Wow! I'm surprised. In LG I thought the only unconventional question was Game 4, but you did well on it so I'm unsure. I actually found the RC to be a little bit difficult.
Maybe you're just psyching yourself out/burning out? Idk. I wouldn't sweat it.
I totally bombed both LR sections (1st section was worse than the 2nd), but I did better than I have done on RC and LG (got them all right, usually I'm at -2!). And now I'm reviewing my extra 5th section and I got -2 in LR... Not sure what is happening!
Glad to know I wasn't the only one.
Redid the game today - 0 issues, -0 in the entire section, plenty of time to spare, everything made sense.
Yeah idk....that -6 block of questions on the first LR absolutely killed me. 19-24 all wrong, and I don't know why. Some were even EASY (like a MBT) and I changed 4 of them from right to wrong during the test - also not sure why...
I feel you. Took PT 80 today, got a 166. Got -7 on the first LR section - all in the last 10 questions. The other sections were more consistent with how I've been preforming recently. This is really annoying b/c I've been working so hard on LR.
Took PT 80 a couple days ago and scored 5 points below my recent average. Funny enough I did the same as I usually do on RC, only slightly worse on LR, but absolutely bombed the logic games. Didn't get a single one right on the last game because I misread the rules. I also took it at the end of the day and my lamp was very dim