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Preparing for LSAT

moniquebabygirl2moniquebabygirl2 Free Trial Member
in General 4 karma

I am a little lost as to how I should begin to study. Any advice? I have about 5 months to study. Should I take a test a day?


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited September 2017 23929 karma

    @moniquebabygirl2 said:
    I am a little lost as to how I should begin to study. Any advice? I have about 5 months to study. Should I take a test a day?

    Absolutely do not take a test a day. That's probably the least efficient way to prep for the exam. You won't learn much that way and will burn tests while burning yourself out.

    Sign up for a 7Sage course and complete the core curriculum. That's the advice that was given to me and the most helpful advice I can think to tell anyone who is starting to prep for this test. 7sage's course has given me all the skills and drills I need to master this test.

  • Paul CaintPaul Caint Alum Member
    edited September 2017 3521 karma

    I can second @"Alex Divine" 's comment. I tried to do a test a day. NOT a good idea. Learn the fundamentals first! And then do maximum 4 preptests a WEEK.

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