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Hey everyone,
This post is just to see if anybody will be interested in this first. I will be going over PT's in 70 plus series only. We are going to try out a new way to do PT schedule. Instead of a 3 month set PT schedule we will be more flexible. When we review a PT, then I will assign which PT we will do next. I am looking to do this on Saturdays.
Let me know if any of you will be interested.
I would! What time Saturday? I'm free after 8:30 EST
Yaaaaay. I was thinking around Saturday afternoon.
I am also interested.
I am interested
I am interested also interested.
I would definitely be interested!
I meant 8:30pm but I am also free until 5pm but I planned on doing pt's from 9-2pm so were you thinking later in the afternoon if people PT on saturdays?
I actually have us on 7sageCalendar for 2 pm EST.
In for sure
I'd definitely be interested.
I'd like to be in the group!
Typically my PT days are Sat mornings though
I am on board Sami. Please add me to the list you are managing.
Have you considered a different day or def. sat's? How about sunday's? Idk about other people but saturday I will be pting in the location i am taking the exam at in dec. 2pm may work for me would just have to figure out once it gets down to it.
Hey! I'm definitely interested for 2pm on Saturdays. I'll probably PT the scheduled exam the prior Saturday to make sure I have enough time to BR on my own.
Thank you so much for offering to do this! I am definitely interested!
I'm interested! Please let me know.
I can't do Sunday's. I have prior engagements or I would have.
No problem - I will try and make it. Thank you for organizing!
Please include me in this!! Where can I locate the 7sage Calender?
I'm interested! Sami
Interested! I don't know if someone already asked this, but could we do this in the late afternoon/evening? I'm on PST, so something a little later that would allow me to take tests Saturday AM would be helpful!
I would be interested as well! Saturday afternoons or evenings would work just fine with me!
I don't think its available to everyone. I believe I have access to it as a study group leader for gotomeeting purposes.
Thanks for all the responses everyone. I will be making another post soon that will have the PT number we will be going over and the link to the meeting
I know that timing is kind of awful if you are in PST and taking test every Saturday. For the weekend availability I only have Saturday morning or Saturday afternoons available
I am free weekdays as well if that's ever an option. Have/when will you be taking your exam Sami?
Hi-- definitely interested.
Hi Sami,
Thank you for doing this! I am definitely interested!
I'm interested too.
I took the September LSAT recently but because it was my first time taking LSAT real time I don't want to wait to find out if I had a bad PT. I want to make sure I give December a go.
hi, definitely interested too. Please count me in
I am interested too
I am interested!
Hi, I'm interested! I'm new to the forum, so this may be a silly question, is this an online session? If so, will there be a link or something for us to use to tune in? Thanks so much!
Surely interested!
Hi Sammi I am depends on the times though.