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I had a solid routine for 4 months. Wake up at 5:45am and study for an hour on the train to work. Once at work around 7:30 I would study until around 9:00am, then I would work until around 12:30 and take an hour lunch on which I would study for about an hour. I then would finish my day at work and study for an hour on my way home. That means I was putting about 4.5 hours of studying into the LSAT Monday - Friday. Saturday mornings of course were PT's which took me about 3.5 hours or so. So on average I studied about 26 hours a week. That's 104 hours a month, or 416 hours of studying total for those 4 months.
Then on Saturday that all stopped and I don't know what to do with seriously there is a huge void in my life now...I almost want to keep studying. I am a man who likes his routines and now....what do I even do...
If I have to retake in Dec I'll pick right back up where I've left off...but if what! O_O
(btw this test became an obsession if you can't tell)
Write your personal statements and other essays? That's what I'm doing with the time.
I felt that gap too. May as well fill it with being productive
I wrote most of those last year! I've been editing them and updating what I can haha....I have a law school fair coming this weekend that I'm excited to go to as well. Over all, I'm just kind of sad it came to an end...dare I say...I enjoyed studying and being active on 7Sage haha
The LSAT is my life. I fear the void
I might have to get a girlfriend or something. I haven't had one of those in a while
Well it does seem that if you are looking for time to kill, you can never revise and edit too much as long as you save the old copies.
There's always reading Getting to Maybe too, I guess.
Enjoy the law school fair.
Yeah, I completely see what you are saying. It's more like I just miss the studying than wanting anything new! I'll just keep editing away!
Hmmm...I have one of those. I think she's glad it's
Maybe study lightly with an eye to one day tutoring someone? What I hope to do when I have taken the test is offer a free introduction at my local community college to the LG on the June 2007 exam (as long as that is ok with the LSAC) as well as give back to the 7Sage community in a capacity that they see fit: I hope "office hours" maybe a webinar on rule substitution questions etc. This community has treated me well and I will in turn, return the kindness.
Yeah something like this is what I think I'll try to do. I really enjoyed studying and helping others and want to continue doing that!
get a girlfriend? haha jk
Haha I've got one of those. I think she's glad I'm done!
then what are you complaining about?!!? I can think of a ton of things for you to do! Start A-Z dates and do an alphabet letter 2x a week or something - it's super fun and bonus point she will think you thought of it all on your own
Yeah man, I feel you. Just try to remember what you did before and try to enjoy it. Maybe start on some 0L stuff? I'm picking up the Short&Happy series and trying to get my feet wet.
Yeah I think that's what I am going to do. As a splitter it's hard to aim for schools without knowing my score...I absolutely still need a 170+ and after that Saturday test I think I may have to retake. It makes it difficult to gauge where to start my apps.
I did use to play a lot of video games...might dust off some of them and head back into it
Start a small study group. It may serve more than one purpose. A.) You won't lose skills, if you do retake. B.) It'll still be a routine C.) Because Karma
Namaste Big Dawg!
I'm kind of becoming this way too. I realized this week I haven't talked to my friends or family in ages. Thankfully my husband is a big talker and we sleep in the same bed otherwise I'm ashamed to say I'd forget about him too! This test really consumes your life. Every down moment is spent thinking about the test or dream schools or GPAs..... but I secretly love it.
Read a good book. Maybe start some light 0L prep.
haha, I love it, too. I'm wayyyyy behind in all of my group texts. I'll throw in an emoji every now and then so they know that I'm alive. Other than that, it's all LSAT and other admissions stuff.
read good novels!