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Sending a cancellation form

Travis10Travis10 Free Trial Member
edited December 2014 in General 23 karma
So I faxed my cancellation form and got a receipt back, but I am still nervous that something got fucked up. Should I do anything else to make sure they know of my intent to cancel? Or should I just let the process play out?


  • Allison MAllison M Alum Member Inactive Sage
    810 karma
    I cancelled my September score and received an email confirmation the next day. If you don't hear anything tomorrow (assuming that you sent it today), give them a call to see what the status of your cancellation is.
  • Travis10Travis10 Free Trial Member
    23 karma
    I faxed mine in yesterday, still haven't heard back.....
  • Allison MAllison M Alum Member Inactive Sage
    810 karma
    LSAC says this:

    Shortly after your written request for score cancellation is processed, LSAC will email you a confirmation. If you do not receive this confirmation within four calendar days after your request was submitted, contact LSAC immediately to verify that your request was processed. You can confirm processing of your score cancellation request in the LSAT Status section of your online account. You may also call 215.968.1001; allow at least four days for your request to be processed before you call. If it appears that your score cancellation request was not received by the deadline or has not been processed, you may submit proof that you sent, and LSAC received, your request within the required period. It is your responsibility to keep proof of LSAC's receipt of your cancellation request. However, no such documentation will be accepted beyond 14 calendar days after the test.

    So, the fact that you have the fax receipt will be sufficient to ensure that your score is cancelled. Just make sure that you sent it to the right number and follow up if you don't receive a confirmation by Monday.
  • Travis10Travis10 Free Trial Member
    23 karma
    Thanks Allison!
  • Allison MAllison M Alum Member Inactive Sage
    edited December 2014 810 karma
    No problem. I was so paranoid that they hadn't received mine that I had the page that paragraph comes from bookmarked! Incidentally, it's here:
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