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Strengthen Questions

LSATChaosLSATChaos Alum Member

For strengthening questions, how much does it need to strengthen the stimulus for it to be correct. For example, weakening questions, as long as it casts doubt on the support, I can weaken the argument. Does this also apply for strengthening questions?


  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    @LSATChaos said:
    For strengthening questions, how much does it need to strengthen the stimulus for it to be correct.

    It varies.

    For example, weakening questions, as long as it casts doubt on the support, I can weaken the argument. Does this also apply for strengthening questions?

    Yes. Correct answer choices for Strengthening questions can be very subtle.

    These lessons discuss how to strengthen arguments:
    How to Strengthen Arguments
    NA - Strengthen - PSA - SA Questions

  • LSATChaosLSATChaos Alum Member
    65 karma

    @akistotle Thank you!

  • Mo ZubairMo Zubair Alum Member
    391 karma

    Don't think you can exactly say "how much". Like there are strengthening question where you are only blocking the support given to conclusion by premises from an attack. Sometimes, you're just affirming something (like data, sample) that would make conclusion to follow a bit more likely.

    I think a better way to look at this is to focus on assumptions made in the argument and trying to either bridge or block from there to make conclusion more plausible.

    Lessons linked above by @akistotle are great resources to to understand this.

  • LSATChaosLSATChaos Alum Member
    65 karma

    @Mo Zubair Thank you, this helps!

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