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LG Timing?

jzzravenjzzraven Alum Member
in General 140 karma

I'm ~~~lucky~~~ enough to be returning to studying for December post an oh-shucks-you're-better-that September performance.

I need to work on LG timing. When I do untimed LG sections or BR, I almost always get every question right. BUT when I'm confined to the all too claustrophobic 35 minutes, I find myself unable to finish - I barely even get through the 3rd game.

I've been foolproofing, and trying a game for the second go round definitely gets my time down, but I'm still too slow on first time games.



  • chace.stokowskichace.stokowski Free Trial Member
    1 karma

    Hi J,

    I'm in the same boat. To be honest, the best way to increase your speed is through repetition and through learning the games. Also, if you are able to remember as many of the rules in your head as possible, it will decrease your time spent. Some other tips that took me from 3 to 4 games (15-16/23 - 19-20/23) are:

    1. Look for the simple answer for tough inferences you made, taking extra time to look at answers and "brute force" them takes a lot of time.
    2. When you find the answer, DO NOT TEST THE OTHER ANSWERS, move on.
    3. Spend time up front (up to 5 minutes, try to get this time down though) making strong inferences, you will be able to crush through the questions after, take a look at practice test 29 questions 1-6 LG. Time up front makes it a 3-4 minute game for 6 questions.

    Best of luck in December!

  • FerdaFreshFerdaFresh Alum Member
    561 karma

    If it helps you to study without timing yourself (e.g. doing BR untimed), still try practicing techniques that get you to the answer more efficiently. For example, getting more comfortable with "envisioning" how certain ACs play out rather than writing in every AC on a separate gameboard. People who finish games within time invariably do this; they often answer a good chunk of questions without writing in anything extra on top of their master gameboard or master chain.

    While untimed BR for LG is great for practicing making inferences, on test day you have to be familiar with answering some questions (or at least knocking out most ACs) using this "envision" method where you can. Your time should decrease if you invest in that!

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    I think many of us had similar problems, and I think it's somewhat normal.

    I would recommend using a timer that counts up and work on shaving time off. I did this incrementally until 35 minutes felt much more doable.

  • jzzravenjzzraven Alum Member
    140 karma

    Thank you all! @"Alex Divine" did you give yourself a hard stop once time ran out or did you just make a mental note of where you were and keep going?

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @jzzraven said:
    Thank you all! @"Alex Divine" did you give yourself a hard stop once time ran out or did you just make a mental note of where you were and keep going?

    Mental note and just keep going. I basically did this while doing the games in the CC and once I started fool proofing the bundle, I began to get much faster.

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