Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). What responses have you gotten to LOR requests? - 7Sage Forum

What responses have you gotten to LOR requests?

_oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
edited October 2017 in Law School Admissions 3652 karma

One professor who I took 2 classes with, never went to office hours, never really talked to him on a personal level, sent me a very enthused email saying he would gladly write a letter for me, "and a good one," because he well remembered my "excellent" performance in class. He said just send me the upload link and I dont need a resume or anything from you.*edit - he just now submitted my LOR. I asked last night and he already submitted it this morning.

Another professor who I took one class with, went to office hours, participated in class discussions, got over 95% on all the exams, talked to on a personal level (we're both from the same country)...said she would be happy to write me a letter..."I usually require a months notice so I should be able to get it submitted by December". She asked for a "statement of purpose" and for a writing sample from her class. I took her class over a year ago and the papers were all handwritten in class exams so I don't have copies.

Should I just keep asking professors until I find one who responds with similar enthusiasm as the first one? I'm worried her response asking for so many docs means she won't write a good letter...and not sure if it's a good idea to throw together a paper from my old class notes... maybe I'm reading into it too much


  • Victoria14Victoria14 Alum Member
    776 karma

    Yes and no. Go ahead and explain to the professor that you don't have any writing samples from her class, but here is a piece from a similar course. You understand though if that would not work for her.

    I also think you should reach out to a few more professors and see if they would be willing.

  • LCMama2017LCMama2017 Alum Member
    2134 karma

    @"surfy surf" said:
    One professor who I took 2 classes with, never went to office hours, never really talked to him on a personal level, sent me a very enthused email saying he would gladly write a letter for me, "and a good one," because he well remembered my "excellent" performance in class. He said just send me the upload link and I dont need a resume or anything from you.*edit - he just now submitted my LOR. I asked last night and he already submitted it this morning.

    Another professor who I took one class with, went to office hours, participated in class discussions, got over 95% on all the exams, talked to on a personal level (we're both from the same country)...said she would be happy to write me a letter..."I usually require a months notice so I should be able to get it submitted by December". She asked for a "statement of purpose" and for a writing sample from her class. I took her class over a year ago and the papers were all handwritten in class exams so I don't have copies.

    Should I just keep asking professors until I find one who responds with similar enthusiasm as the first one? I'm worried her response asking for so many docs means she won't write a good letter...and not sure if it's a good idea to throw together a paper from my old class notes... maybe I'm reading into it too much

    Actually - I'd be more leery of the professor who submitted a letter the next day he was asked for one! That to me says "form letter". I would prefer a professor like the second one who will take the time to review your past history and write you a more personalized letter. This is what I did for one of my professors - I went to visit him personally, gave him a copy of my resume, summary of my personal statements and within a few weeks he had written a very good and personal LOR.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    FWIW, I also had a very close professor asks me for those things. I think it may just be process. It ended up being a very enthusiastic letter!

  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    edited October 2017 3652 karma

    @Victoria14 that's a good idea, I dont think I will be able to find something even remotely similar to the class. It was an avant garde art class for a specific period of time from a specific country. I took a film class and animation class but it was also handwritten in class exams. All I have left from school is philosophy papers as that was my major. I think i'll just base who I'm asking on what papers I still have saved

  • Victoria14Victoria14 Alum Member
    776 karma

    @"surfy surf" said:
    @Victoria14 that's a good idea, I dont think I will be able to find something even remotely similar to the class. It was an avant garde art class for a specific period of time from a specific country. I took a film class and animation class but it was also handwritten in class exams. All I have left from school is philosophy papers as that was my major. I think i'll just base who I'm asking on what papers I still have saved

    Happy to help! Also attach your PS, sometimes they are happy with that as well.

  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    edited October 2017 3652 karma

    @Victoria14 honestly I'm still not done with my PS. I'm hoping I get another professor who just writes based off my academic achievement
    @LCMama2017 this professor rarely gives out As and I got 100% on one of his papers after I was gone for 2 weeks due to a family emergency. he was super stoked about my getting the only 100% in the class so I think he wrote something good.

  • LCMama2017LCMama2017 Alum Member
    2134 karma

    @"surfy surf" said:
    @Victoria14 honestly I'm still not done with my PS. I'm hoping I get another professor who just writes based off my academic achievement
    @LCMama2017 this professor rarely gives out As and I got 100% on one of his papers after I was gone for 2 weeks due to a family emergency. he was super stoked about my getting the only 100% in the class so I think he wrote something good.

    Wow - well then that's great!

  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    3652 karma

    @"Alex Divine" how did you know what the prof wrote in your letter did they send you a copy? just curious

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited October 2017 23929 karma

    @"surfy surf" said:
    @"Alex Divine" how did you know what the prof wrote in your letter did they send you a copy? just curious

    They sent me a draft so I could verify if all of the information was correct. Things like club names and specific research I had done.

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