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How to finish logical reasoning sections on time?

Hi everyone! So, I have finished all the curriculum and I am doing the December Exam. I am now doing timed sections. So far, my biggest challenge is answering all the questions on time. I missed an average of 2 to 3 questions in each timed section I have done. I am trying to figure out strategies to be faster in going through all the questions. These are the ones I have been trying so far:

  1. If I am 100% sure that the answer is correct, I move on to the next question without reading the other answer choices.
  2. Be quicker in bubbling the answers. I think if I master bubbling, I'll save 15-20 seconds each section, which I can use to answer a question correctly.
  3. Understand the passage during the first read. English is my second language and I work a lot, so sometimes I feel that I have to read the question passage twice to get what they're saying. This is a major time waste.

I am sure many others have trouble in finishing sections on time. I am wondering if you guys have used other strategies to improve your performance!

Thank you!


  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    5120 karma

    Congrats on your -2/-3 !!
    Great on the 100% Questions for test taking strategy!

    For the LR Qs you missed, have you checked to see if there is a type of Question or flaw type that you are consistently missing?

    For LG, hope you are going -0 or -2. Keep LG skills strong while focusing on other areas, imo:)

    For RC, it can be tough for even the non ESL people. Drilling passages from the early PTs can help identify cookie cutter RC passage structure even if the questions are not as challenging as on the more current tests.

    A past Sage on this forum inspired me! She said that all RC passages are formulaic and can be learned! It's just learning how to answer the Questions in the newer tests. Hope you will join Daniel's Thursday RC call for his insight, working with him has made a huge impact on my RC Scores:)

  • danielm777danielm777 Alum Member
    24 karma

    I previously had no trouble finishing the LR section with time to spare and then last week started missing 1-3 of them each section as I tried to be more careful. I tried a new technique yesterday: finish the first six pages of questions in max 25 minutes. That's about 19-20 questions in 25 minutes, so you have some extra time for the tough ones mixed in. I find the toughest questions tend to be the last ones, even if only due to the fact that the timing pressure starts to cloud my head and I lose focus. Once you do that, you have 5-6 questions to get through in 10 minutes. Plenty of time to do them and look over some of the one's you were iffy on.

  • kimpg_66kimpg_66 Alum Member
    1617 karma

    I recommend before heading straight into timed sections that you do some untimed. This allows you to really think through and realize why an answer is correct. The more you look at LR, the quicker you'll become. This method has really helped me spot patterns

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    Consider some skipping strategies. I am in the midst of implementing my own and I'm finding it quite difficult. However, skipping let's you maintain a rhythm and confidence throughout an LR section by working efficiently. ID the 4/5 star questions that you don't "see" immediately and move on. Come back to those after you've finished everything else. there is a good webinar on skipping strategies here

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