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Accuracy improving, timing not

Hi everyone,

I was hoping to get some of your guys' sage advice on timing and accuracy. Recently, I've been doing a lot of focused drilling on LR. I took a PT yesterday, and I found my accuracy has improved. However, I'm finding it a little bit harder to complete all the questions ( I feel myself scrambling at times on the last five questions). Has this happened to anyone else? I used to be able to finish all 25 or 26 questions, but now I find myself leaving one or two blank. Is there a way to improve my timing while ensuring that my accuracy doesn't increase? At this point, should I continue drilling, or should I start doing timed section? Both?

Thanks in advance!


  • OlamHafuchOlamHafuch Alum Member
    2326 karma

    This is extremely normal. Before you went through the curriculum, you were probably answering a lot of questions on the basis of intuition and gut feeling. That can go fast, but is ultimately not going to get you the best score possible. You now have a deeper understanding of the underlying logic and of the process that is necessary to best tackle each stimulus. You have been recreated as an LSAT Jedi. It's like learning to walk again. So yes, it's going to be slower at first. You must continue drilling the proper process over and over, until it becomes like second nature. You will see that you will get faster and faster.

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