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How should you title addendas?

megan-2megan-2 Free Trial Member

When you attach an addendum to an application, it asks you to describe it. Should you just write "Character and Fitness Addendum" for example or should you include your LSAC number? Similarly, when you save the file with the addendum what should you title it as?


  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma

    Bumping this to the top.

  • Sarah889Sarah889 Alum Member
    877 karma

    I'm in no way an expert on this, but I was planning on titling it however they titled the attachment on the application plus my last name. For example, if you are submitting an optional addendum, I personally would title it: "[Last Name] Optional Addendum". Or if they just call it addendum, I would title it: "[Last Name] Addendum". Or "[Last Name] Character & Fitness Addendum", etc.

  • megan-2megan-2 Free Trial Member
    4 karma

    Thank you! That's sort of what I was figuring too.

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