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Timed Preptest 148 BR 167-170, how do I proceed now?

LsatNinjaLsatNinja Alum Member
in General 36 karma

Hey guys,

I recently finished the core curriculum and began doing preptests. On my last two (PT 39 and PT 42) I got a 148, but in the BR i got a 167 and 170 respectively. I feel as though I have enough grasp of the material, but under timed conditions I either have to skip a lot of questions that I dont have time to come back to, or I try and rush though them all and get a bunch wrong.

Would I benefit from doing individual sections timed, or should i go back and do problem sets? I'm a little confused. Any tips that has worked for you in the past in terms of getting your timed score closer to your BR?? Would greatly appreciate any help!


  • nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
    1723 karma

    Hey congrats on the high BR, im very much of the opinion that you should focus on getting your BR score up to a 180 or close enough to it, this is gonna be the easiest way to get your timed scores up also. Look at the past PTs u took and really analyze what you got wrong after BR, locate WHY u got it wrong, dont just chock it up to a "stupid mistake". There is no such thing as a stupid mistake on the lsat. Milk each PT for everything it can teach you. By the time you get to the next pt you should be confident that you wont make any of those mistakes EVER again. This is gonna take a long time, and thats perfectly ok, PTs dont count but what you learn from them is invaluable,

    Good luck,

  • LsatNinjaLsatNinja Alum Member
    36 karma

    Hey @nathanieljschwartz Thank you so much for your thorough response!

  • jennybbbbbjennybbbbb Alum Member
    630 karma


    Hey first of all congrats! I am close to where you are at but I have had some really great advice from @akistotle . I am at a 168 blind review but need to start focusing on timing since my timed score is quite low.

    I would aim to do about the easier LR questions in under a minute or 50 seconds. Right now, I am doing timed sections as opposed to full prep tests because that way I can play around with how to get the most correct questions and see what works best for me.

    For LG, I will be doing timed sections rather than separate games since we are close to the December test.

    For LR, I plan on doing the first 10 questions in under 10 minutes.

    For RC, I plan on doing time passages first and then move on to whole sections since I never get to the last passage without having to rush the first three.

    I hope that helps!

    Good luck!

  • LsatNinjaLsatNinja Alum Member
    36 karma

    Hey @jennybbbbb ,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts! i really like your approach with the RC passages, I think I am going to start doing that as well because right now I am only getting through 2-3 passages in the allotted 35 minutes.

    Thanks again! and Best of luck!!

  • amedley88amedley88 Alum Member
    edited November 2017 378 karma

    Here are some strategies I have used to increase my LR timed score, which is at this point still not that great (I'm actually in a very similar situation as you but aiming to write in Feb), but is much better than it was before:

    • When doing the section timed, make sure you are not getting lost in the wording they are using, treat the question as J.Y. does in the video lessons and paraphrase it in your own words. For example, if you are reading a confusing stimulus about a certain animal with a name you can't recognize or pronounce, just call it "A" and the other thing "B." This is an essential part of seeing through the BS that is on LR because it reveals the core flaw of the argument in the stimulus and, in turn, should help you easily eliminate wrong answer choices.

    • Make sure you are following the approach to LR that 7sage recommends:
      1) Read the question stem so you know what to look for
      2) Read the stimulus, find the conclusion and supporting premise(s), all while putting it into your own words
      2.5 - optional) If you can't understand what's going on by this point, circle the question, put in a default answer choice and come back to it later
      3) Eliminate wrong answer choices
      4) When choosing between two remaining answer choices, make sure you are evaluating each one INDEPENDENTLY of the other, not in relation to the other

    • Make sure you know your flaws inside and out, and not just what they are, but how to apply them. Most importantly, make sure you know the flaws the LSAT constantly uses as wrong answer choices (i.e. ad hominem)

    • Really practice diagramming conditional logic. I am currently using the PowerScore LR drill textbook for this and it's helping quite a bit. I'm sure you can find other resources for exercises in diagramming sentences online

  • LsatNinjaLsatNinja Alum Member
    36 karma

    Hey @amedley88,

    Thank you so much for some really helpful tips!! I really like the approach you recommended for LR!

    Thanks again!!!

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