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Panic Mode

Paige FinleyPaige Finley Member
in General 15 karma

I am wanting some advice from some fellow test takers.
I began studying for the test in July. On my diagnostic I scored a 158. I am shooting for around 170. I have done the CC, and i am foolproofing logic games. I have taken 2 PTs this weekend. I scored a 163 and a 161. Last weekend I took a PT and scored 167.
I usually do pretty well in RC. My weak areas are definitely LR and the games. I missed around 6 or 7 in each section on the last test.
Do you guys think my goals are unrealistic considering the test is less than 2 weeks away?


  • Josh MorrisJosh Morris Alum Member
    5 karma

    Hey Paige. If by around 170, you mean you would be satisfied with a 167ish on your actual exam then I think it is totally doable! On average I think scores vary +/-4 points on the actual exam. If you are practicing at an average of 163ish between the three scores you provided then the best case scenario would be for you to realistically get a 167. HOWEVER. This tends not to be the case when individuals take the LSAT. Because of nerves and stress one can expect to score slightly lower than what he/she was practicing at. I would not be surprised if you realistically scored anywhere between 159-163. That being said, I know you have been studying since July and your diagnostic was a 158. How have you been reviewing? Have you been using the Blind Review method mentioned by JY? If you want to safely score in the 170's I recommend you withdrawing from the December and taking it in JUNE. The LSAT is a monster and I think taking a year to study is appropriate. Remember as JY recommends, don't pick the test date first and then try to make the studying fit. There is still plenty of room for growth and improvement. What materials have you been relying on?

  • Paul CaintPaul Caint Alum Member
    3521 karma

    I'd focus heavily on doing LG right now. It's the area you can make the most improvement on the fastest!

  • FerdaFreshFerdaFresh Alum Member
    561 karma

    Definitely second above comment. Go ham on LG. You can study LG for longer periods without feeling the burnout because it's a different kind of thinking than, say, LR (less exhaustive, IMHO)... and it's definitely perfectible -- maybe not in two weeks, but you can still aim for a 0/-2 on the LG section in two weeks time.

    Another note, about panic... Graeme Blake from LSATHacks, who used to work for 7Sage, tells people to pretend on the day of the test that you're taking the LSAT with the aim of beating your friend. If you pretend you're just trying to beat your friend, you're not giving the exam this monstrous counter-intuitive respect that can lead to fight or flight mode (which is obviously bad). Then don't forget that JY talks about techniques like taking a second to put your pencil down and take deep breaths during page flips, meditating, etc.

    If I find myself getting scared on test day, I'll revert to these methods to calm myself; I hope you find your own!

  • Paige FinleyPaige Finley Member
    15 karma

    @Xodimo1234 I have been using exclusively 7 sage materials. I have been going through the CC and doing practice questions. I have been blind reviewing, but I find it difficult to sit down and do for long periods of time. However, whenever I do miss a question in LR, I can always easily see why I missed it. I would be content with a 167 or a 168.
    @"Paul Caint" @FerdaFresh Thanks guys! I will definitely take your advice as far as focusing on LG.
    And thanks for the advice on LSAT Hacks. Ill definitely have to check that out.

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