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GPA Addendums: Let's make this fun.

lizpillizpil Member
edited December 2017 in Law School Admissions 282 karma

Hi Fellow 7-Sagers,

I'm a non-trad student who took a very relaxed view on my first couple of years of college . Little did I know, I would be studying for the LSAT almost 20 years later. But, I'm sure there are some of you didn't really do well your first year or so of college. So, for fun I'm starting a thread of alternate explanations of why some grades, as I like to say, are "uncomfortable." Here's a few to start. Please add more.

  1. It was the Clinton presidency. We were knee deep in AOL CD's and hope.
  2. All of my classes were 8:00 am classes. Just six 8:00 am classes. We live in a quantum universe. Time is flat circle.
  4. I kept getting held hostage by a hackysack circle.
  5. Beer and chics, bro, beer and chicks.
  6. My professor sucked.
  7. I sucked.
  8. I was paid to keep the curve low (gotta pay for Birkenstocks somehow!)

Please add.


  • Mitchell-1Mitchell-1 Member
    756 karma

    You know that nightmare where you realize you forgot to go to a class for the entire semester? Yo.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    World of Warcraft.

  • Mitchell-1Mitchell-1 Member
    edited December 2017 756 karma

    Embarrassing druken hookup had the assigned seat next to me so I stopped showing up

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited December 2017 23929 karma

    In high school, I took a couple of classes at my local CC as part of a bridge program. I had just got my license, first car, and first girlfriend... So, sometimes instead of going to class, I would totally skip and drive around and go to the mall with said girlfriend.

    Also, it was the Obama presidency and things were crazy!! :blush:

  • Adam HawksAdam Hawks Alum Member
    990 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:
    World of Warcraft.

    StarCraft 2 and DOTA :(

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @"Adam Hawks" said:

    StarCraft 2 and DOTA :(

    Big DOTA fan! Do you still play DOTA 2 at all?

  • Adam HawksAdam Hawks Alum Member
    990 karma

    @"Alex Divine" said:

    Big DOTA fan! Do you still play DOTA 2 at all?

    Not in almost 4 months. Other games have occupied my time and the LSAT. I just have too many games from Steam Summer or Winter sales that I need to work through instead of DOTA.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @"Adam Hawks" said:

    StarCraft 2 and DOTA :(

    Lol I think Blizzard alone has caused many a GPA to fall. The sad thing is, I wasn't joking. Right after high school I was pressured to start college. I didn't give a crap and would bring my laptop to class and play WoW. I'd ditch class and play WoW. Now my GPA is total crap haha

  • subi ramisubi rami Alum Member
    33 karma

    It was "the good times"; mommy and daddy paid for everything

  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    2983 karma

    I thought I was pre-med :sweat_smile:

  • SerenityFalconSerenityFalcon Alum Member
    86 karma

    I thought I would never go to school again after undergrad... So why should grades matter?

  • ramster1ramster1 Member
    109 karma

    After undergrad I was heading to a grad program to do research. So my senior year was not at all GPA focused. Even my advisor would say: "no one cares about grades, just get the publications." Lo and behold...

  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:
    World of Warcraft.

    I'm still stuck in WoW hell.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    edited December 2017 13286 karma

    @"Dillon A. Wright" said:

    I'm still stuck in WoW hell.

  • BillGreenpointBillGreenpoint Alum Member
    318 karma

    I graduated a long time ago, and they committed an error while transcribing my GPA from the wall of the cave. Plus, there is no accurate conversion rate from mammoth tusks to grade points. I have a letter confirming this from the registrar. It's written in petroglyphs.

    Thank you very much. I'm here all week, folks. Try the veal.

  • speedwagonspeedwagon Alum Member
    edited December 2017 393 karma

    1) Grade inflation! Back when I went to school, we didn't even have a 4.0 as an option. They only graded out of 3.5

    2) There was only one computer in the whole school. I had to wait my turn, and so my papers were late.

    3) For my Women's Studies class I decided to do an experiment when I went through a quarter pretending I was "Math is Hard" Barbie, but unfortunately that was the term when I had to take calculus.

    My C&F (I had an open container citation that turned into a warrant due to nonpayment and when in doubt, disclose) definitely includes the sentence "I was young, dumb, and broke, and decided if I didn't pay it it would go away. I was, unsurprisingly, wrong." If I don't get in because of that, well, I probably wouldn't have done well at that school anyways.

    (woah somehow this got in a really big font and I don't how to make it stop!)

  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    edited December 2017 13286 karma

    @"Dillon A. Wright" said:

    I’d be lying if I said that me and my undead warlock didn’t have a mad crush on her...

  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:

    I’d be lying if I said that me and my undead warlock didn’t have a mad crush on her...

    Who in their right mind doesn't? She's a powerful Warchief now!

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @"Dillon A. Wright" said:

    Who in their right mind doesn't? She's a powerful Warchief now!

    Haha yeah I played for a couple of months during Legion. It was actually fun. I had to quit or my LSAT score would still be in the 150’s instead of 160’s O_o

  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:

    Haha yeah I played for a couple of months during Legion. It was actually fun. I had to quit or my LSAT score would still be in the 150’s instead of 160’s O_o

    Legion has been a great expansion! I suggest picking it up again if you're done with the LSAT. :P

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @"Dillon A. Wright" said:

    Legion has been a great expansion! I suggest picking it up again if you're done with the LSAT. :P

    I may not be done, but I’m most certainly on a break...hmm might log in tonight haha you are a bad influence!

  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:

    I may not be done, but I’m most certainly on a break...hmm might log in tonight haha you are a bad influence!

  • Mitchell-1Mitchell-1 Member
    edited December 2017 756 karma

    Ate too much free pizza and could no longer fit through the door to attend class

  • tylerdschreur10tylerdschreur10 Alum Member
    1465 karma

    Alternate approach. Write a diversity statement to Yale saying they have too many motivated geniuses and need some alcoholics with double digit IQs.

  • Mitchell-1Mitchell-1 Member
    edited December 2017 756 karma

    I'm from Arizona, went to school out of state, and couldn't figure out why I was always an hour late to class starting roughly halfway through the semester

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