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Panicking because everyone else is getting accepted to my dream school

Hi everyone, I’m panicking because I didn’t score as well as I was PTing in September. I got a 151, so I also sat for the December exam and feel decent about it. The problem is I am dying to go to the University of Georgia, and all of my former classmates are already getting acceptance letters from there, and I’m straight up PANICKING because I won’t get my score until January, and my GPA is below the median at 3.53. I have much more work and extracurricular experience than my former peers, so I feel like I still have some kind of shot if the December exam went as well as I thought. But I know there are limited spots, and they all had higher scores and GPAs than me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Dream School Panic
  1. What should I do?44 votes
    1. Calm down and wait for December score
    2. Have a panic attack
    3. Cry


  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    It's going to be fine. See what you get on the December test and just hope for the best. You can still get a great outcome after dec. scores come out.

    Just chill out :)

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    You are going to be just fine. Applying with your Dec score is not too late!

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    But I also want you to know that it's normal to get sometimes really worried. I also kind of panicked last week.

  • Tom_TangoTom_Tango Alum Member
    902 karma

    think of it this way. you're either going to get ultimately accepted or rejected. worrying about it won't change that outcome

  • Seeking PerfectionSeeking Perfection Alum Member
    edited December 2017 4428 karma

    You need a 162. If you get it or higher you are nearly certainly in. If you get a 161 or lower things are going to be dicey.

    Don't worry about the fact that other people have less work exerience than you or are getting in with higher stats. Those things help at the margins, but you are unlikely to wind up at the margin. You will either end up likely in because you have a median LSAT or likely out because you have a below median LSAT and GPA.

    Look at the link I attached. The only place there are marginal candidates who could get accepted or declined at Georgia are above median GPA below median LSAT people. You won't be one of them.

    Edit: Change it to the 2016/17 cycle when you go to the link to get the full picture of how the cycle will likely go.

  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    3652 karma

    Focus that panic into writing a kickass personal statement

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Don't worry too much. I know not worrying goes against our usual natures as pre-law students, but it's going to be ok. And there are other avenues like transferring and waitlists. Keep hopeful.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited December 2017 23929 karma

    @hannahmyers9551 said:
    Hi everyone, I’m panicking because I didn’t score as well as I was PTing in September. I got a 151, so I also sat for the December exam and feel decent about it. The problem is I am dying to go to the University of Georgia, and all of my former classmates are already getting acceptance letters from there, and I’m straight up PANICKING because I won’t get my score until January, and my GPA is below the median at 3.53. I have much more work and extracurricular experience than my former peers, so I feel like I still have some kind of shot if the December exam went as well as I thought. But I know there are limited spots, and they all had higher scores and GPAs than me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    In the end, everything will be ok. If it isn't ok, it isn't the end.

    There is sunlight above the clouds. You’re just looking at the clouds right now. And they will lift!

    Good luck and try to just keep positive thoughts. No matter what happens, a positive mindset will be more helpful! :)

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