@Sami said:
Also, on LSAC website I no longer see an Icon where grey day would appear. So do we no longer have grey day icons?
It’s the end of an era.
It’s still there! It’s a pain to find on their website now though. I think I had to click like 4 links to get to it. I’ll post an update with exact instructions
@Sami said:
Also, on LSAC website I no longer see an Icon where grey day would appear. So do we no longer have grey day icons?
It’s the end of an era.
It’s still there! It’s a pain to find on their website now though. I think I had to click like 4 links to get to it. I’ll post an update with exact instructions
I’m drowning myself in Taco Bell and Video games tonight...since I quit drinking it’s my only alternative! Good luckkkkk ahhh
I'm with you on this no drinking train right now, it really is difficult to find alternative coping methods when you're not used to it, but the piano and Pysch reruns are getting my through :-p
Christmas has come early! Or the nightmare before christmas! I was just seeing this news after seeing the last jedi. I hope my lsat score does end up the way i think it will be
@olioliber said:
At 5am I saw an email from LSAC... that my transcripts were processed. I died a little inside thinking it's my score. #wideawakesince5
Do anybody know what time they will start posting the score? This is very dickensian... im hoping for a positive plot twist but more itll be more like a tradgedy. I know I didn’t do very well...
@olioliber said:
At 5am I saw an email from LSAC... that my transcripts were processed. I died a little inside thinking it's my score. #wideawakesince5
Do anybody know what time they will start posting the score? This is very dickensian... im hoping for a positive plot twist but more itll be more like a tradgedy. I know I didn’t do very well...
No one knows. You can speculate from previous release times.
@olioliber said:
At 5am I saw an email from LSAC... that my transcripts were processed. I died a little inside thinking it's my score. #wideawakesince5
Do anybody know what time they will start posting the score? This is very dickensian... im hoping for a positive plot twist but more itll be more like a tradgedy. I know I didn’t do very well...
I got my score for September at 4:59 pm when they were released! Not sure if I want it in my email now or later!!
Bad kids get coal. Good kids get gifts.
I’m drowning myself in Taco Bell and Video games tonight...since I quit drinking it’s my only alternative! Good luckkkkk ahhh
Can I predict one more thing, Sami? Your Dec score is a 175. Your Feb score will be a 179.
U. I hope we both did really well this time around and got our dream score 
Feeling similar
But I am worried about starting too quick on drowning myself in ice creams lol
Also, on LSAC website I no longer see an Icon where grey day would appear. So do we no longer have grey day icons?
It’s the end of an era.
It’s still there! It’s a pain to find on their website now though. I think I had to click like 4 links to get to it. I’ll post an update with exact instructions
So is it grey yet? lol
@Sami @"Cant Get Right"
I did it on mobile so bare with me.
Log in and hit drop down in top right
Then click “LSAT”
Then click “view status”
Then scroll to down and you should see it
I don't see it. There is column that says "notes" but there is no longer a green icon that turns grey.
Then you'll take again! More experienced and ready to go than before.
I know
. I know that's the right way to think about it but still a bit sick to my stomach. It was pretty disappointing last time.
Hmm weird it works on my phone. They still have all the green icons there. That’s how I did it, but I had to scroll down past all my scores and stuff
I see it now! lol I wasn't scrolling down all the way. Thank you
I'm with you on this no drinking train right now, it really is difficult to find alternative coping methods when you're not used to it, but the piano and Pysch reruns are getting my through :-p
Yeah well I'm eating a Frito burrito as we speak. Taco Bell always a W.
I’m actually really happy scores are coming out early. I’m so ready to get this all over with. Lol
I'm panicking and simultaneously praying for a miracle....
Same ❤️
I just thought to check out the forum after a couple weeks...didn’t expect this.
Stephen A has left the lsat building for the espn building, come back!
Is it possible that the schools know our scores already? I just received a bunch of emails with fee waIvers...
You'll be in my thoughts tomorrow. I didn't take this exam but I'm happy to listen and support.
Christmas has come early! Or the nightmare before christmas! I was just seeing this news after seeing the last jedi. I hope my lsat score does end up the way i think it will be
does anyone know what time?
4pm est should be the start of the roll out.
I'm curious about this. I remember someone saying that this is the case, but I don't know....
Mike Spivey says that it's patently untrue.
Ok thanks!
Oh man, I keep checking this thread. I wish they would just give us our score.
I can't believe you are still up, Sami! lol
Whos ready to be completely distracted and utterly useless at work all day!!!? This guy
There are multiple threads, but I think this thread should be the official Grey Day thread... @"Dillon A. Wright"
This is my holiday-shopping day. You may see me crying at the mall.
Glad I’m off work today! So when can we suspect the release so I’m not refreshing all day? Anybody know? 2,3,4? Lord, I wasn’t ready!
It could be as early as 2, but in all likelihood it will be between 4 and 6 green goes grey
I hope Wendy doesn’t get fired:
At 5am I saw an email from LSAC... that my transcripts were processed. I died a little inside thinking it's my score. #wideawakesince5
Do anybody know what time they will start posting the score? This is very dickensian... im hoping for a positive plot twist but more itll be more like a tradgedy. I know I didn’t do very well...
No one knows. You can speculate from previous release times.
I got my score for September at 4:59 pm when they were released! Not sure if I want it in my email now or later!!
I just went grey and I'm a shaking mess at work
I just went grey too.
I'm grey too!! AHHHHHH
Does gray mean we should be receiving an email shortly?
I'm grey too
I’m grey too
Grey... ahhhhh!! Anyone know when we'll get scores after going grey ??
My friend got his score via email. Good luck all
Over on reddit they're saying it's a -12 curve!!!! Good luck everyone