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Aspiring lawyer but tattooed?

zeekanonzeekanon Free Trial Member
in General 8 karma

I'm an aspiring lawyer but got a tattoo in my back, with a suit, it does not show it off, but if i put my head down with some buttons loose and with the shirt collar loose, it can show of just a LITTLE, here's some pictures of it: (tattoo itself) (with a shirt) (does not show, even if I put my head down) (with some buttons loose and the collar loose also, it only shows of like this if I put the shirt back, if I pull it down, does not show off)

I'll have problems w/ it ? Keep in mind that probably clients will NOT see it, cause I'll have a fitting suit on....

Any opinion its welcome! Thank you!


  • KayyyyyyyKayyyyyyy Free Trial Member
    346 karma

    What kind of lawyer do you want to be?

  • zeekanonzeekanon Free Trial Member
    8 karma

    I wanna be a corporate lawyer...

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited December 2017 23929 karma

    @zeekanon said:
    I'm an aspiring lawyer but got a tattoo in my back, with a suit, it does not show it off, but if i put my head down with some buttons loose and with the shirt collar loose, it can show of just a LITTLE, here's some pictures of it: (tattoo itself) (with a shirt) (does not show, even if I put my head down) (with some buttons loose and the collar loose also, it only shows of like this if I put the shirt back, if I pull it down, does not show off)

    I'll have problems w/ it ? Keep in mind that probably clients will NOT see it, cause I'll have a fitting suit on....

    Any opinion its welcome! Thank you!

    You'll be absolutely fine. Issues start when you have visible tattoos on your hands, knuckles, neck, etc.

    FWIW, at a corporate firm you're one of hundreds of nameless office drones, so no one is looking that closely. If it's covered by a dress shirt, you're good money.

    ETA: You won't really have to worry about dealing with too many clients (directly in-person) as a corporate lawyer, nor will you be wearing a suit at most firms unless you do litigation and are in court. So just make sure a casual dress shirt covers it.

  • Paul CaintPaul Caint Alum Member
    3521 karma

    If you're worried about your tattoos keeping you from law school (idk how they could possibly tell), you shouldn't.

    Anecdotally, I know of a person at uChicago law that has full Yakuza-style tattoos on his neck and arms. You should be fine :smile:

  • zeekanonzeekanon Free Trial Member
    8 karma

    Thanks you guys so much! Now I can have a little peace of mind and not regret the tattoo...

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @zeekanon said:
    Thanks you guys so much! Now I can have a little peace of mind and not regret the tattoo...

    I know it can be anxiety-inducing because of all of the social pressure to conform when you take a corporate job, but I've learned that a lot of the stuff we think are big deals just aren't.

    Don't get L-I-V-E L-I-F-E on your knuckles and you're good, haha.

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    Not a problem at all ... more and more companies are inclusive to different types of people - I used to work at Amazon and our HR lawyer had tattoo sleeves - nobody cared. Of course not every company culture is like this but I'm sure your little diamond poking out won't be a problem at all even in the most conservative of environments. :)

  • PARHAM1373PARHAM1373 Free Trial Member
    67 karma

    Dont worry, i doubt you will be sitting with your back towards the clients for them to ever see it anyways

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