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The last problems

alexistknutsenalexistknutsen Alum Member
edited January 2015 in General 4 karma
Hi all,

I started studying for the LSAT in December. I work full time so I do an hour or two of studying every day during the week and five+ hours each day on the weekend. I've seen my score improve a lot, but I struggle a lot when I get to the last five to six problems. On these problems, I will think I have the right answer only to find out that I missed some minor detail that lead me to choose the wrong answer.

I get so frustrated by this and discouraged. Does anyone else have the same issue? Does anyone have techniques they use for approaching the last problem and/or not getting incredibly frustrated by the difficult problems?


  • mpits001mpits001 Alum Member
    938 karma
    I don't have this issue, but I know a couple of friends who have had this issue. It's probably mental fatigue/anxious for the section to be over. I'd label it as a mental block. One way people overcome this is by doing PT sections over and over again.

    I don't think I can offer anymore input into this, but hopefully it helps a bit!
  • lbalestrierilbalestrieri Alum Member
    110 karma
    I have had a similar problem, but have improved on getting the last questions, especially in the Logical Reasoning sections. The questions get more difficult towards the end, so what I do is make sure I'm getting through the first part fairly quickly so that I have extra time to review the more difficult questions. Also, I use the extra time I have to focus more on the second half.
  • Alum Member
    463 karma
    I can't remember where I heard this suggestion (Powerscore maybe). But I tend to work backwards on LR sections. I start on question 26 and work my way back to around 13 usually depending on page breaks, then start doing 1-12 or where ever I have to go to. Its seemed to have helped me get more accuracy on LR sections. I usually still run out of time on about 2-3 questions so I have some timing work to do but working backwards has helped my accuracy.
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