@quinnxzhang Thank you thank you~ I think I almost get it except... what would then "always apart, never together' rule look like? I know that 'if and/but only if' is one indicator that indicates this biconditional, but are there any other? or is th…
Thanks, if I add the word 'always' to that rule (M and N cannot always be selected together), would that turn this not both rule into a biconditional (always apart, never together)?
@Pacifico Thanks! How about this one? "The students at this school take math. Mike is a student at this school, so he takkes math."
Could you explain how that is different from this? Thank you!
@tanes256. Thanks, but I was asking for denying the conditional statements (group 1~4). Should I just place "It's not the case that" in front of the conditional statements to deny them?
@GSU Hopeful @nye8870 Thanks! I did look at his explanation. See, L and M could've seen the same film. I understand that G, L, and M cannot all see the same film, but L and M can. Doesn't that fact alone prove "E" to be wrong?