You shouldn't be so hard on yourself. Most people can certainly relate with your frustration. You have been prepping for a while now and its understandable that you expect improvement. Like someone mentioned above, that 147 means nothing, the only s…
Perhaps you could share when you are planning to write the test? Since you started recently, a schedule would look very different if you are planning to write the June/August test or any of the later dates.
I assume you are currently working throug…
It is important for anyone to have their own definition success. If you go to law school, regardless of the career choice you will likely be "successful" to the average person. Success for some is Big Law or bust, for others its small to mid size fi…
Hey, I was considering applying this year but I have also decided to wait and get the best possible score I can. I am sure many people are on the same boat as you. It is also best to take your time with these things and remind yourself that you made…
Hey, I have called LSAC and have been told they will be updating the dates sometime this month. They definitely plan on administering it in June & July (likely LSAT Flex) and continue with similar dates offered in previous years. Hope this helps…