i used the template that 7sage offered. it has helpful info on formatting your essays. check it out!
Thank you!
@seonglee0630 said:
oh i see... It is little bit hard to underline/high light with computer than tablets... lol
I would recommend getting a cheap wireless mouse just to make it easier
I'm lowkey confused about one thing you mentioned in your post, did you just decide randomly to go to law school or it's something you've always wanted to do? But to answer your question, you know yourself better than we do. I was in a similar posit…
yes you can, there's an essay in the 55 best Harvard Law School personal statements book and someone tied their religion to why they want to pursue law.
i'm interested! Anyone here looking to take August exam?
@ltaff510 said:
Hey !! my diagnostic is 162 (but i did follow the time limit). Can I please join????? Anyone wanna team up and get the 170+??? Email me: ltaff510@gmail.com