@Arete_Southbay said:
Hello, Thank you kindly for hosting such and important tutoring session, and looking forward to attend this event. The only issue, is that it will be 7am on Saturday morning for individuals in the WestCoast. With that in …
@CorgiCanLSAT said:
Excited to attend! Are there any PTs or specific questions we should have already attempted before attending your session?
Hi, nope. We'll be discussing LR sections in general and I might pull out some sample questions or…
Hi guys, thank you all for being at the session and being so supportive and helpful throughout!
Here's the list of reminders that I'd written for myself for LG:
A chart is technically never "needed", even on games that people have used a chart on, you can do them as regular grouping games. You'll just have to remember that the variables aren't finite (they don't expire once you've put them into one group, s…
@maggie said:
Hi, will this be recorded? This sounds like something I really need to hear but I'm taking my TOEFL exam this Saturday
Hi Maggie, I'll PM you!
Hi, I shared some tips here, the initial thread was about LG but my tips for the other sections are in the comments if you scroll
Also you might benefit from waiting a little to take the tes…
@Pacifico said:
Some great tips here, though I'd concur with others on the splitting.
If you lock all this down and are still struggling with time, then you should video tape yourself taking an LG section (preferable from overhead).
@CantHurtMe said:
Any tips like these for RC? These have been so helpful to me these past couple of days, as I look to get out of my plateau in the low 160s!
Hi! I made my journey out of the low-mid 160s up to the high 160s-low 170s over the…
@"Cant Get Right" said:
Really great post @ninamatryoshka ! With analysis leading to these types of insights, it doesn't surprise me you were able to break into 170's. Congrats, and thanks for sharing!
I would just like to highlight a cou…
@somethingatan said:
That split at last resort is too harsh IMO. It's sometimes the only way to tackle certain games. Not many, but some.
I agree, it is, but I was using it as a crutch initially and it led to me taking way too much time on g…
@JasmineV said:
What do you mean by "split"?
Hi Jasmine, it's what @eziff said. My notes are more geared towards improving accuracy while under time pressure, they'll be less relevant when you're still learning the basics or working on your …
@LuxxTaboo said:
This is awesome! Would you happen to have any tips and pointers like this for the LR sections?
Hi, I do!
- Read the stimulus and the answer choices slowly, every word matters and the sentences are difficult. Pause…
I'll put these in a separate post as well to maximise reach, these are just the notes I've made for myself that I go through before each section
Don’t go through the game in an automatic way, even if easy game, read and write down rules as careful…
Another suggestion to try: warm up before you take a section by doing 2-5 "easy" questions to get in the zone and avoid wasting time "warming up" on the first few questions of an actual section
You might need to start implementing a process to prevent such mistakes from happening. There are two episodes on the 7sage podcast by other students who have tried this (one by Sami and one by Christopherr). Having a process involves doing things l…
You can also visualise this using a Venn diagram.
Big circle for dachshunds, with an area equalling more than half of the circle for hunt poorly (to signify that most dachshunds hunt poorly). You're left with a small space in the circle for dachshu…
The 6 PTs a week is probs unnecessary. You could just do individual sections and then review, and use PTs for endurance training purposes. You also don't need to do every single question ever released to do well. You can focus on the 60s-80s making …
@BigJay20 said:
@ninamatryoshka said:
I like to read the passage twice (the second read takes much less time) to really "internalize" what it says. Those extra 2 min spent re-reading help a lot when it comes to the questions as I'm…
I like to read the passage twice (the second read takes much less time) to really "internalize" what it says. Those extra 2 min spent re-reading help a lot when it comes to the questions as I'm much clearer on what the passage actually says. Also th…
As others have suggested, drill specific question types instead of practicing by doing full sections. For instance create a problem set with select 5 weakening questions from the PT 50s range, do them slowly (put your timing setting to unlimited), a…
Once the chain gets this long (or even if it's short but there's not many spaces on the board) I usually just turn the conditional chain into board for what would happen if O is in (put O P T W and F/T in the in group and K in the out group), and th…
Lots of other questions to consider, some include:
Do you know much about this school? Is it in a location that you want to study in and potentially later work in? Have you visited? Will the opportunity to go there still be available if you do tak…
@"Taha Jomha" said:
@ninamatryoshka when you say practice full individual sections, which sections do I choose from? For example, should I do section 1 of PT 38 untimed, then move onto section 2, 3,4 untimed as well?
I mean do full individua…
stop taking full PTs! Doing a full PT may help improve your stamina, but they're not a very efficient way of working on accuracy and understanding. Drill specific question types within each section, and do practice full individual sections, and then…