@goforbroke said:
Yeah this feature would be amazing. In the meantime, I've made my own spreadsheet to keep track of my own trends. Here are some screenshots (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Zgo0-BQsrVzlIR_c_zHQI361p_-YAYWN?usp=sharing…
@canihazJD said:
Deep review after BR. IMO that is where the majority of improvement comes from. Ironically most people don't do this. At the very least a comprehensive wrong answer journal... like not just a list of questions.
Thank you …
@VerdantZephyr said:
I think that you have the right idea here, but in my experience the most consistent are actually single partner groups. If you are going to take 2-3 tests a week and really want consistency you could set up a couple of pa…
@jpgreenstein said:
Yea its possible to get 168. You may start to realize you need to increase your study amount as you go along. Everyone learns different and there is no perfect way to do it. I did RC LG and LR at the same time with Monday t…