@sarakimmel said:
If the school asks about speeding tickets, I would very succinctly explain exactly what you just did. The rule of thumb is when in doubt, disclose. It may turn out to be info that they don’t really need, but the chance of it …
@"galactic law" said:
Can you let me know what, if any, instructions are provided in their addendum sections?
It simply says "This section is optional. Other addenda can be attached here, if desired."
@lsat5ever I think the problem with A is that it assumes that an attack by a predator is ALWAYS accompanied by a loud noise or unexpected movement. I sympathize with you because to me, it seems like a reasonable assumption to make.
If I really try …
@lsat5ever I'm not sure if there's always a conclusion in a RRE/Paradox question like there is for a stimulus that contains an argument (Weakening/Strengthening/SA/NA/most questions on LR).
I think PT87.S2.Q2 is a unique RRE question in that the Bi…