@aszane21 said:
@lipgeration said:
I received the "shredder" misc. game in October. Which apparently has been part of experimental sections as far back as 2008. So I would agree with Ellegoals in that it would be prudent to be fami…
I would recommend taking at least a couple from 60s and 70s, as the flex has pulled sections from different eras, not solely PT80-89. The logic games in the 50s are good drill material as well...to me they feel more challenging than the 80s but ymmv…
I received the "shredder" misc. game in October. Which apparently has been part of experimental sections as far back as 2008. So I would agree with Ellegoals in that it would be prudent to be familiar with them. It is the one game type where hypothe…
Hi! I am in a very similar situation with PT and goal scores and would love to join the study group. I am in EST. Writing in October and very flexible on time.