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  • You're doing great! First of all, those two are really hard tests, so don't be too hard on yourself. I think I tested way below my average on both of those! It takes some time to also soak some of this stuff in. You'll keep improving, it is just how…
  • Sounds like you found your answer, but I just took the LSAT on Wednesday. The RC section is pretty similar to that of 7Sage. I didn't feel like there were major differences other than general appearance.
  • For me it's location, rankings, and looking into the courses, clinics, and other opportunities the school has. For instance, I am interested in immigration law and found schools that have opportunities for students to travel to Mexico to work with m…
  • I'm taking October and took the August Flex yesterday. Mostly as a "just in case" measure, I felt good about yesterday's test, but figure it can't hurt to try to bump up a few points in October. I plan on taking the rest of this week and weekend off…
  • Are you able to take both October and November/December? I signed up for the August 31 test and realized I may not meet my goal so I decided to go ahead and schedule for October too. It gave me peace of mind knowing my August score wouldn't be my on…
  • Hi Leah! Northwestern is one of my top choices, I'll PM you. I live in the Midwest and can easily visit the Chicago area, BUT, who knows if/when there will be an opportunity to visit campus. So I appreciate the offer.
  • I echo what a lot of others have said, it sounds like a break is in order! I'm taking the August Flex too and I am trying to take it easier this week and focus on my mental and physical health. A big part of this test is being in the right headspace…
  • Sounds like burnout to me, which is totally normal. Breaks are so important. This is a test of skills, you won't lose any information if you take a few days off. In fact, I tend to do better if I recognize I'm moving close to burnout and take a few …
  • I've been drilling with these drills from Power Score, they help you see what works for you and what doesn't. I also recommend simply doing many difficult passages. The problem sets feature here lets you …
  • Your plan sounds a lot like my reality! I had the same diagnostic score and my highest PT score is a 170 after 3 months of studying. So you got this! RC is also where I struggle most, yet working on LR actually helped me with RC. Once you get a gras…
  • This happens to me and I am glad to find that it is pretty common. I've been hard on myself when my scores dip, but in reviewing those tests, it happens when there is an insane RC passage that I just didn't get at all, or a LG that I struggled to ge…
  • I've still been practicing them, but more to keep myself on my toes in case there are any tough misc games that show up. I've been trying out these games just to make sure I am ready…
  • Interested! Hoping to gain some insight as to how I can tighten up my scores, I have been seeing some fluctuation lately.
  • @CSieck3507 I think that timeline is doable for sure! Big improvements come early on, I think it was within the first month for me with LG. In that time, you'll also get a better handle for timing and feel less pressure. If you keep practicing and g…
  • You and I have a very similar trajectory, I just wish I had been studying and using 7Sage as long as you have! Your hard work has really paid off, congrats friend!
  • @DINOSAUR I can't do it for all of them (hence that corn passage reference lol), but I think what helps me is to find something even remotely interesting in the passage. I'm not a science person at all, which I bet is a lot of us here as if we were …
  • It is totally possible! I hit 170 this weekend (still riding that high tbh), and I'm averaging -5 on RC. But I did not start that way! I highly recommend the method of writing down a super brief summary of each paragraph after you read it, and live …
  • My first PT was around where you were in April and I just hit a 170 this weekend! So what you aim for it totally doable, if not even aiming lower than you can achieve. I like others here would advise you work on LG, get your timing and accuracy down…