@phosita_phoeatah I think that's a fine way to approach this specific problem, but as you noted, it can get tricky when dealing with the opposite direction and you might also get a headache trying to obtain the contrapositive and "take up brain spac…
@castrone For reference, here were my translations for the first sentences in the answer choices too. I imagine we will get the same translations there too. Unless proven otherwise, I really think this rule has potential because it saves a lot of he…
@castrone I see why you might say that, but my translation did come out to what you said would be the correct translation.
If we apply my translation rule:
A = an air traveler in Beijing
B = fly to Lhasu
C = first flying to chengdu
"A cannot B…
@castrone Thanks for replying. No I didn't mean it like that. I should have supplied examples. Here are the type of statements that inspired this post (in the stimulus and answer choices). I'm trying to generalize a way to translate "....cannot...wi…
@"Hans Zimmer" said:
Don't do what I did and get hung up on doing every single problem set the first time around.
I spent far too much time on this to the detriment of other areas of the test.
Thanks for the input!