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  • I am Latinx but I'm not sure how they would know my ethnicity through my application (unless I explicitly mention it in my DS -which I probably will) since Latinos can be white after all. I did go to college in the US so I have an undergrad GPA and …
  • I feel like this is super common with the exam nerves setting in and burn out from all the studying. I also experienced a score dip right before I took the November exam and I panicked (which I think was the reason that I did ed up scoring below my …
  • I have also experienced a scary drop in my scores from 170+ to two 166s in a row (this is my second go at the test). This actually also happened to me last time (I was doing low 170s and then started scoring significantly lower closer to the test) a…
  • I'm having the same problem because the last two PTs I took have been disappointing and I don't want to go into the test with a negative streak. Before I took those two PTs(I got 166 in both) I was averaging at 175 and I even got a 180 just before d…
  • These are the PTs I've taken since I began my second round of studying after the November exam. They're listed in order from latest to oldest (I took May 2020 today). I would really appreciate any advice or insight. Could this be a confidence thing/…
  • I totally get this, it was happening to me too. Whenever there was an "easier" LR section I would sail through but if it was a little bit harder I would get a lot more wrong. I found that consistency is a problem when you don't know why the right …
  • It's happening to me too! I get the beeping sound.