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  • @karko2525 said: @hchristinecox trying calling LSAC ASAP if you Havent already! I heard some people were able to re schedule for a later time in the week if they had a really bad proctoru experience that affected their performance (but this wa…
  • @"Burt Reynolds" said: I had a similar experience earlier this morning. It happened to me during RC and, just like you, I lost precious time. I was absolutely furious (and also panicked). You can make a formal complaint and have LSAC investiga…
  • @FindingSage said: If the first person you spoke to at LSAT wasn't helpful- try again. I know from the August test which I was never even able to start because of tech issues that weren't my fault that there is a makeup day on Friday for all …
  • I have taken two practice test since posting this, (both untimed flex) and I got 151 and then 152. If I can pull these off timed on tuesday, I feel it will be a good starting point to go from for the January session.
  • @OldLadyK said: I started self-studying for the LSAT in August of last year and took the November 2019 test, sorely unprepared. I was a professional dancer in my younger days and had no experience in this realm, so learning this test was like …
  • @VerdantZephyr said: @hchristinecox You do not need to study 6+ hours a day. My guess is that very few people honestly get much out of more than 4 hours a day of studying. My guess would be to look at how you are studying. Clearly the way …
  • @learn2skipQs said: I'm in a similar situation being stuck at 149 with like 3 150s sprinkled in. I'm guessing cuz I only study around 3 hours a day and other ppl study like 5-6 a day. IDK 4 sure. Also I'm not 100% with the fundamental/core cur…